Holzkraft SCM thickness planer S 52ES
Product name: Thickness planer
Model: S 52ES
Type: SP-03
Manufacturer: SCM (SCM Industria S.p.A.)
Machine number: KK00019806
Year of construction: 2021
Condition: as good as new
technical details:
- Work table size: 850 x 520 mm
- Useful width: 520 mm
- max. chip removal per operation: 5 mm
- Knife shaft diameter: 120 mm
- Number of knives: 30x3x520 / 4 pieces
- Knife shaft speed: 5,200 rpm
- Holding time knife shaft: less than 10 sec
- Feed speed during thickness planing: 5 - 8 - 12 - 18 m/min
- Diameter of the extraction hood (plastic): 120 mm
- required speed of the extraction air: dry chips = 20 m/sec, wet
chips = 28 m/sec
- Consumption of extraction air [diameter 120 mm]: 814 m³/h dry
chips, 1,140 m³/h wet chips
workpiece height: 240 mm
workpiece width: 520 mm
- min. workpiece height: 3.0 mm
- min. workpiece length: 220 mm
- min. workpiece width: 10 mm
- Weight: 524 kg
Standard accessories:
- Print elements on the feed side
- first upper grooved steel pull-through roller (task side)
- Rubber-clad steel pull-through roller (output side)
- Vertical adjustment of the thickness table with digital display and
- Knife adjustment device
- Handle for sliding stick
- Protective devices of the knife shaft
- Extraction hood
- automatic zero-star triangle start of the motor
- Brake motor
- 2 x EMERGENCY stop switches (feed and output side 1x each)
- Operating key set
additionally included in addition to the standard:
- 2 rollers (sliding U5355347 rollers) in the thickness table
- Knife shaft with 4 Tersa knives (TERSA HR13%Cr)
Engine data:
- Voltage: 400 V / 3 phases
- Current: 11.7 A
- Frequency: 50 Hz
- Power: 7.0 kW
- Speed: 2,890 rpm
Installation dimensions (W x D x H): 1,071 x 1,440 x 1,088 mm (basic
dimensions with extraction hood)
Transport dimensions (W x D x H): 1,600 x 1,200 x 1,270 mm (on pallet
/ see photo)
Price: 8.490,00 € (FP) plus VAT from location Grunow (Brandenburg)
(Subject to changes and errors regarding technical data and prices!)
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