System: Used Westfalia Separator as semi-mobile dewatering unit
Manufacturer: Westfalia
Model: full coat screw centrifuge
Design: as a semi-mobile dewatering unit
Type: UCF 646-00-35
Power: 110 kW
Screw drive: 30 kW, IP54, 50 Hz
-Accessories: inlet pipe for the feeding of sludge
-Decanter connectors: solids discharge chute 1.4301, Central chute,
including sample tap 1.4301
-Sludge feeding: rotary piston pump Börger CL520
Flow rate: 50-120 m3/h
Power: 11 kW
-Mud meter: ABB, COPA XE, DN 100
-Solvents - and dosing station: fully automatically to the release of
liquid products
Designed for a dose of: 35 kg FHM/h
Make: P + P
-Eccentric screw pump: to promote the use solution over the subsequent
dilution station to the decanter
Make: Netzsch, 2-8 m3/h
Power: 1.5 kW
FU: included in the R5337262 control
-After dilution station: to the Hrabsetzung of the root solution to
power consumption solution
Make: ABB, COPA CE, DN 50
-Spiral Auger: Askania TSFS 400 x 4000
Trough length: 4.000 mm
Trough width: 400 mm
Material: 1,4301
-Switching and control system: compact cabinet
-Miscellaneous: documentation, schematics, documentation GEA Wstfalia