Venjakob year of manufacture 1999 Spray guns 4 Water based paint and
lacquer and also UV paint acid curing paint? – Not possible now, but
can be done, if we change pump, tubes and nozzles Paint recycling -
yes Is it possible to apply bets”? Water based? – yes, water based
Are the work pieces stackable directly after they come out from the
line? (Are they dry so they can be stacked?) – Yes, if we use UV-
water based paint but when using normal water based paint or lacquer
components must be dried in a shelf What type of products do you run
in the line? What materials? – MDF, melamine surfaced doors,
components etc. and solid wood components (mainly birch) What are the
dimension limitations for the work pieces? – width min/max 20-1200
mm, lenght min/max 350-2750 mm, thickness max 50 mm
Spraying machine Venjaob HGS-Duo T5357211 Venjakob VEN SPRAY DUO
Lacquering line sand paint IR UV drying Heesemann Prochera Venjakob
Hackemack 1350mm Spraying machine Venjaob HGS-Duo Venjakob VEN SPRAY
DUO Spraying maschine VEN SPARY Smart with Paperbelt Venjakob VENSPRAY
Spraying machine Venjaob VEN SPRAY Venjakob VEN SPRAY VENJAKOB
SPRAYING LINE Venjakob HGS-DUO/Z Spraying machine VENJAKOB - HGS/Z