High-quality components of an originally planned bioethanol plant are
being sold. All parts are stored in a dry place, some as good as new,
some brewed. Key components include:
1. Downstream evaporator
• Manufacturer: Vaprotec
• Technical data: Heat exchange area: approx. 300m², all apparatus
and pipelines made of CrNi steel, material 1.4301 or equivalent or
higher quality,
o Inlet:
- Quantity: 7.695kg/h
- Conc.: 5.44 wt. %TS
- Temp.:80°C
o Procedure:
- Quantity: 1,240kg/h
- Conc.: 35% wt. %TS
- Temp.: 65°C
- Viscosity: max. 200 cP
o Evaporation capacity: 6,725kg/h
• Year of construction: 2007
• Condition: Unused
2. 2x Plate Heat Exchanger
• Manufacturer: Alfa Laval Lund AB
• Model: MX25 MFMS
o Pressure range: 0/10bar
o Temp range: 0/110°C
o 50m² heat exchange area
• Year of construction: 2007
• Condition: Unused
• Manufacturer: Alfa Laval Lund AB
o Pressure range:
o Temp.Range:
o 320m² heat exchange area
• Year of construction: 2007
• Condition: Unused
3. 5x centrifugal pumps
• Manufacturer: KSB
• Model: CPKN-C1 125-250
• Year of construction: 2007
• Condition: Unused
4. 1x Liquid Vacuum Pump
• Manufacturer: Pompetravaini s.p.a./Travaini-Pumpen GmbH
• Model: TRVA 65-450/C/A3+HSF 5 COLL
o Rpm: 1450
o Pumping capacity: 236m³/h
o Pressure range: 33-900mbar
• Year of construction: 2007
• Condition: Unused
5. 1x screw compressor
• Manufacturer: Rietschle
• Model: Type 2PKS 60D1/0755, with soundproof hood
• Year of manufacture: 2001
• Condition: used
6. 1x Wine Distiller in Full Copper
• Model: Distiller for the production of special spirits (fruit
brandy, brandy, etc.
• Technical data: Full copper
•Year of construction:?
• Condition: used, conditionally ready for use
7. 1x multi-column burner
• Manufacturer: Herrmann
O best. made of 3 columns, (1x as good as new), Fabr. Starcosa, Type
52.10K1/9, permissible Operating overpressure 0.6 bar, permissible
Operating temperature 120°C, capacity 19,235 l, stainless steel,
built in 2001, as well as 1 auxiliary column, stainless steel, built
approx. 1980, as well as 1 alcohol column, stainless steel, built in
1980, 1 indirect preheating system, Fabr. Westphalen, capacity 750 l,
operating temperature 138° operating pressure 2.5 bar, with control,
with div centrifugal pumps, supply lines
Suitable for all starchy raw materials because of the special design
of the mash column (high ground clearance, each bottom can be opened
individually to clean it). Bs is built for continuous production.
The plant components (all made of V2A, the tube bundle heat exchange
made of Cu) have an operating time of approx. 800 - 900 hours after
the conversion and were designed for an output of 1300 l cA/h with an
alcohol strength of 85 % vol (approx. 31,200 1 rA/d). In 2001, a
reinforcement column with fusel oil and aldehyde extractor was
integrated M5362687 to achieve a product strength of 97% vol and good
alcoho quality. The new control system of the system enables automatic
This part of the system has an operating time of approx. 300 hours, so
it is as good as new. The complete apparatus was to produce at least
an hourly output of 10001 rA with an alcohol strength of 97 % vol
(24,000 l rA/d). Since all plant components are significantly
oversized in their design (old and new), it is to be expected that an
output of 1300 1 rA (approx. 31,200 l rA/d) can be achieved. Due to
the decommissioning of the plant, the performance could no longer be
The reinforcement column has a total height of 22 n. Since some pumps
have to be located in the sump, i.e. below this column, the total
height increases by approx. 4 m. For physical reasons, it is not
possible to operate the column at the same level as the pumps.
The plant consists of a mash colon, an amplifier colon, the Starcosa
Colone and the heat exchanger, heat exchanger for liquids, as well as
pumps and piping.
• Condition: used, conditionally ready for use
9. Various Hilge centrifugal pumps:
• Manufacturer: Hilge
•Year of construction:
• Condition: used
10. Various containers (incl. stainless steel version):
• Material: Stainless steel and others
• Condition: used