Ion chromatograph THERMO DIONEX Aquion

medical equipment / medical equipment

Manufacturer: THERMO DIONEX


Type of machine: Ion chromatograph

item-No.: 163127096

Quantity: 1

Date: 23.09.2024

Year of manufacture:

Location: Land-de Germany 59379 Selm

Price: 6,900 EUR


Dionex Aquion Ion Chromatograph with Autosampler AS-DV
Double Piston Pump, Thermostatic Conductivity Cell
Electrolytic Suppression, Column R5325819 Heating,
IOnPac CS 16 Column, Supressor CE S 500,
Software Chromeleon 7.xx
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Dionex Aquion Ion Chromatograph with Autosampler AS-DV
Double Piston Pump, Thermostatic Conductivity Cell
Electrolytic Suppression, Column R5325819 Heating,
IOnPac CS 16 Column, R5325819 Supressor CE S 500,
Software Chromeleon 7.xx

seller offer No. resale 203061
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Mr Rainer Kricks
59379 Selm

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Price: sold Thermo Dionex Aquion + similar Thermo Dionex-Model

THERMO DIONEXAquion Ionenchromatograph 6900 EUR [Jan 2024]