Shelving racks SSI SCHäFER

machines for mechanical handling, storage equipment / shelves / Shelving racks

Manufacturer: SSI SCHäFER


Type of machine: Shelving racks

item-No.: 164524995

Quantity: 1

Date: 28.11.2024

Year of manufacture:

Location: Land-de Germany 46325 Borken

Price: basis for negotiations (BN) 1,175 EUR

Machine in stock:Yes


13.40 metre SSI-Schäfer shelving unit 
Manufacturer: SSI Schaefer
System: Shelving
Shelf length: approx. 13.40 meters
Shelf height: 2.20 meters
Shelf depth: 0.60 meters
Number of fields: 14 
Field width: approx. 0.96 meters
Shelf levels per field: 3

Shelves can be adjusted in increments without tools
Shelves overlying at full depth
Shelf depth equals shelf depth
Shelves made of high-quality wood-based material 

Shelves with supply cut-out for beams, piping, K5327004 cables

Easy-to-install plug-in system
Powder-coated posts

Storage display boxes and contents are not part of the shelf

More items in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our shop!
International shipping costs on request!
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13.40 metre SSI-Schäfer shelving unit 
Manufacturer: SSI Schaefer
System: Shelving
Shelf length: approx. 13.40 meters
Shelf height: 2.20 meters
Shelf depth: 0.60 meters
Number of fields: 14 
Field width: approx. 0.96 meters
Shelf levels per field: 3

Shelves can be adjusted in increments without tools
Shelves overlying at full depth
Shelf depth equals shelf depth
Shelves made of high-quality wood-based material 

Shelves with supply cut-out for beams, piping, K5327004 cables

Easy-to-install plug-in K5327004 system
Powder-coated posts

Storage display boxes and contents are not part of the shelf

More items in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our shop!
International shipping costs on request!

seller offer No. resale 39888
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Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH

Ms Stephanie Parlitz
46325 Borken

RESALE member since 2007

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Price: sold SSI Schäfer u + similar SSI Schäfer-Model

SSI SCHäFERLF 14/7-2 (Schäfer Lagerfix 2) 10 EUR [Nov 2019]
2020 SSI SCHäFERLF 14/7-2 (Schäfer Lagerfix 2) 15 EUR [May 2020]