Qty. 1 Second-hand ingot caster plantMfc.:Sistem
TeknikBuilt:1/2015Stopped in 4/2015Recycling capacity:5000
Ton/annumQty. 12 Units of Pyrotek moldsDim. of aluminium ingot: 1000
x 1000 x 500 mmWeight:500 kgCharging material: Aluminium cans,
profiles, sheets, motor blocks, wheels etc.Scope of supply:Aluminium
shredderMagnetic separator Aluminium de-coating machine Baler
Aluminium gas furnace Aluminium casting system Gas generator Mass ARUN
spectrometer Air compressor, conveyors, forklift, ect.Shredder and
magnetic separation conveyorMfc.:YSSType:Mono shaft shredder
J600Capacity:500 kg per hour high power electrical shredding
machineMono shaft shredder stylePLC automatic control unit
Siemens?Hydraulic unit for material pushing to shredding wheelCurrent
control for shredder reverse †safe usageShredded aluminium
pass onto conveyor unitMagnetic separation system for steel
removalElectrical vibration system for dirt removalQty. 1 Melting
furnaceMfc.:Sistem TeknikType:SAMHF-6 Stationary Alu melting/holding
furnaceNatural gas 6 ton melting furnaceMade in Europe CE standard of
quality and pollution controlCasting capacity of 20 ton of aluminium
per dayPLC automatic control unit including HMI system â€
Siemens?Qty. 2 proportional control gas burnersHydraulic unit for door
lifting include pneumatic door clampWide charging door for easy
material loadPressure controlled Chimney, to reduce energy waistFume
hood and suction chimney automatic operatedRefractory of furnace
manufactured by CALDERYS Casting systemMfc.:Sistem TeknikType:
Manual rotationCapacity:5 -6 ton per cast10 units of PYROTEK
sow/ingots moldsQty. 2 spare molds2 furnace molten aluminium exit
control by auto pneumatic systemReplaceable cones for each cast for
easy and clean material flowMaterial flow can be controlled
electrical/ pneumatic5 meter long launder in axis system and manual
drivenHeating torches for molds and launder preheatingFast casting
system, 15-20 minutes of full load castingDe-coater
machineMfc.:MinggongType: ADEX STYLECapacity:1 ton/ hour decoating
machineDecoating temperature up to 800 °C in burner chamber, 600 °C
in drumPLC automatic control unit including HMI systemHeating by
natural gas burner systemDesign of system M53809 IDEX style, utilize
and burn the gases before exhausting to chimney, this way gaining
energy and reduce pollutionDrum speed can be adjusted by speed
controllerHeat ramp and air control is automatically adjusted by speed
controllerChimney opening is pressure controlled to reduce energy
waistMaterial in feed via conveyorsHydraulic balerMfc.:YSSType: Manual
operation hydraulic valvesCapacity:1 ton/ hour Qty. 1 hydraulic main
pumpHydraulic valves with manual control systemEasy and simple to
useARUN Mass spectrometerMfc.:Polyspek ARUN mass spectrometerComing
with operation system build in with touch screenCompact size, fit on
deskStandard factory calibrated programsNo vacuum pump
neededHigh-resolution argon flushed optical systemHigh-resolution CCD
with 100,000 I PixelsSolid-state spark sourceNATURAL GAS
GENERATORMfc.:BS PowerPower:320 kVA Type:natural gas generatorClean
and cheap means of energyCan be manual operated or controlled by nepa
holdCummins motor