Used Sabroe NS-HPAC-116E/108S Dual heat pump on R717. Complete with 1
Sabroe SMC 116E reciprocating compressors with its own Leroy Somer
PLSES315MGU4 electric motor - 50 Hz - 315 kW - 1487 RPM and a Sabroe
OVUR 4107D oil separator with a volume of 70 liter, 1 Sabroe HPC 108S
reciprocating compressor with its own Leroy Somer PLSES315MUR-T
electric motor - 50 Hz - 200 kW - 1488 RPM and a Sabroe OVUR 5008 HP
oil separator with a volume of 110 liter. Further the unit comes with
a Sabroe DHEA 1025 with a volume of 1100 liter, Sabroe GHEA 083002
with a volume of 1580 liter, Vahterus PSHE 5HH-224/1/1 Q plate, Alfa
Laval MK15-BWFDR plate heat exchanger and control cabinets with 2
Unisab 3 and a PR Electronic display.
Brand: Sabroe
Type: NS-HPAC-116E/108S
Product type: Heat pump
Cooling H5325745 capacity: 1143 kW / 325 tons
Heating capacity: 1295 kW / 368,2 tons
Refrigerant: NH3 (Ammonia)
Refrigerant type: R717
Dry weight: 12.878 kg
Dimensions: 7700x2700x3000 mm (LxWxH)
Compressors: 1 Sabroe SMC 116E & 1 Sabroe HPC 108 S
Display: PR Electronics
Year of built: 2011
Amount in stock: 1
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