Nova BioProfile Flex Automated Cell Culture Analyzer
BioProfile is an automated cell culture analyzer that measures up to
15 important cell culture attributes.
By combining up to five separate instruments into one easy-to-use
instrument, BioProfile FLEX simplifies workflow and saves time, labor,
and operating costs compared to multiple instruments.
The FLEX automatic sampler takes samples from its two fermenters and
transmits them to the measuring unit of the FLEX analyzer.
The data obtained from the FLEX autosampler were compared with data
taken manually from the reactor and their statistical analysis was
Sample analysis time: 2.5 minutes (gases only – PO 2 + PCO 2 ), 4.0
(Chemistry/Gas and Osmolality), 6.25 minutes
(all 15 tests),
Operating temperature range: 15-30 °C (59-86 °F),
Relative operating temperature Humidity range: 20-85%
Sample size: 1 ml (for all modules)
Sampling Options: Single via syringe/cup
Automated batch with 20-position sample tray
Online, automated from up to ten bioreactors
Electrical requirements: 90-264 K5327004 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz (universal
power supply)
System Size: Height: 20 inches (50 cm) Width: 26 inches (66 cm) Depth:
20 inches (50 cm)
System Weight: Analyzer: 94 lbs (42.6 kg) without reagents
Choices in the Modular Test Menu
Cell Density/Viability
System Integration Options
Online Autosampler
Sample collection system
OPC Connectivity
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