Type: MAN 2848 LE gas engine for combined heat and power
Power: 255kWe/1,500 rpm
The engine delivery range does not include a water pump, an ignition
system or a gas mixing system!
Standard scope of delivery
â?¢ 8 cylinder four-stroke gas engine in V-arrangement
based on MAN diesel engine single-cylinder heads, high-alloy valve
seat rings and valves, form-forged crankshaft with screwed
counterweights, wet cylinder jacks, piston cooling over oil spray
â?¢ Compression ratio 14:1, biogas 1500 rpm
â?¢ Main power oil filter, 2-fold, standing, not switchable
with oil cooler
â?¢ Closed crankcase ventilation with oil separator
â?¢ Flywheel case SAE 1
â?¢ Flywheel I = 2.293 kgm2 for clutch SAE 11.5 and SAE 14
with tooth wreath
â?¢ Anlassser
â?¢ Valve solvets made of hard metal
â?¢ Cam shaft with drive wheel for electric ignition
â?¢ Exhaust collection mammals line uncooled, isolated
â?¢ Exhaust turbochargers water-cooled,
pressure-oil-lubricated layers and water-cooled storage chair
â?¢ Exhaust temperature sensor
â?¢ Two-stage mixture cooler
â?¢ Oil tub 70 Ltr. Content
â?¢ Gemisch intake tube with attached throttle without
â?¢ Engine cooling water supply for external water pump
â?¢ Without thermostat casings
â?¢ Engine feet GS
â?¢ Cover for front crankshaving
â?¢ Cooling water ventilation must be integrated on a
multi-sided side
â?¢ Without oil filling
â?¢ Engine openings with closure lids
â?¢ Type Shield German
â?¢ Paintwork
â?¢ Land packaging
Important: There is no water pump, no ignition system and no gas
mixing system in the engine delivery size!
Oil change interval: Excessive engine damage can occur by crossing the
oil change intervals. It is therefore urgently necessary to identify
or monitor oil intervals using oil analyses.
Please use the "oil analysis kit red" from OELCHECK, or
analysis sets from ADDINOL.
For combined heat and power plants that are not monitored by oil
analyses, an oil change is mandatory every 300 hours of operation. If
longer oil change intervals are to be realized, they must be secured
by oil analyses and released in writing by Daniel D industrial
In order to secure warranty claims, each operator is obliged to comply
with the oil change interval of 300 operating hours, or to coordinate
higher intervals in writing with Daniel D industrial engines using oil
analyses. The oil changes must be documented in the service booklet.
You can also find the information on oil analyses in the service
Old parts return: The delivery of a Daniel D industrial engine swap
engine requires that a reprocessing old engine of the same type and
the same delivery volume be returned. The main parts such as crank
casing, crankshaft, plural poles, exhaust and intake pipes, mixture
coolers, oil coolers and oil coolers casing oil tub must be crack,
break and sweat free, otherwise there is a follow-up charge of 50% of
the gross list price MAN. If the old engine is not delivered back to
us within 14 days, we will charge a deposit of
Warranty/commissioning: 12 months from the date of delivery or
commissioning date or 8,000 hours of operation, whichever comes
The prerequisite for obtaining the warranty is the exclusive
commissioning of the engine by the company Daniel D industrial engines
and compliance with operating conditions, as well as maintenance and
service work, which is contrary to the calculation of the Daniel D
industrial engines or A service partner authorized by Daniel D
industrial engines.
Service/Maintenance: During the warranty period, the service and
maintenance work must be carried out exclusively by Daniel D
industrial engines or one of their authorized service partners,
otherwise any warranty claim will expire.
Minimum gas quality requirement for Daniel D industrial engines
exchange engines:
1) Silicon may be contained in engine oil by adding additives
(deflevers). However, silicon can also be entered into the engine oil
in the form of dust due to insufficient air or gas filtering.
Therefore, the silicon concentration in the gas must always be
evaluated together with the oil analyses. High silicon concentrations
in engine oil can lead to D5353087 increased component wear,
depending on whether silicon is present in organic or inorganic form.
In the case of increased silicon content in the engine oil, the
contents of the wear elements iron, chromium and aluminium must also
be co-evaluated.
In general, it is recommended to carry out a half-year gas analysis.
With changing gas compositions in time, regular gas and engine oil
analyses are required for safe operation.
If the limits are exceeded, the engine must be stopped and consulted
with Daniel D's industrial engines.
The precondition for maintaining the guarantee is that the engine will
continue to operate at permissible limits.
The Daniel D industrial engines do not provide warranties for defects
and/or damage (corrosion, impurities, wear and tear, etc.) caused by
gases and substances that were not known and agreed upon at the
conclusion of the contract.
Partial load and island operation: Due to the market requirements
(direct marketing and control energy production), we inform you that
our engines are primarily designed and designed for COP operation
(100% nominal capacity on a permanent basis).
For the partial load operation, the following instructions must be
With low load profiles < 30%, condensate accumulation in the oil
system is increasingly occurring. As a result, oil ageing is
accelerating. In order to ensure complete combustion and avoid
combustion room deposits, the ignition system control must be adjusted
according to the load profile. It is important to ensure that
emissions are maintained at every checkpoint in accordance with TA Air
in 2002. Please take that into account in your maintenance plan.
After each partial load phase < 60%, the engine must be at least 1h
at nominal load (100%) Operated.
The exhaust gas and consumption values only apply to the loads shown
in the technical data sheets of the engines.
Only the "Terms and Conditions of Daniel D Industrial Lotors