Complete single layer concrete tile/slab production plant
Press K754 (750 tons pressing power) Longinotti 4 station
Molds for 40 x 40, 30 x 30 , 60 x 60, 60 x 30 and 60 x 40
Separate flat stack unloading and loading
One Head calibrating machine
6 head diamonds Calibration
10 head polishing line
CTM semi automatic palletiser
60 stacks steel frames
Tables, turners, dryers etc
Unused turner from the press to the pick up station for ungrinded
Press is 2017
Grinder is 2018
The machines will be available for extraction from April 25
Complete production line for single-layer concrete slabs, terrazzo
slabs, etc.
Press K754 (750 tons press) Longinotti 4 stations
Moulds for 40 x 40, 30 x 30, 60 x 60, 60 x 30 and 60 x 40
Separate flat shelf wet / B5328416 dry
1-head calibration machine
6-head diamond calibration/grinding
10-head polishing machine
CTM semi-automatic packaging system
60 stacks of steel pallets
Unused turner on the press for turning the attachment side upwards
Press is 2017
Grinding line is 2018
The machines will be available for dismantling from April 2025