Mixers LöDIGE KM 1200 DW

process engineering / machines and plants for process engineering / Mixers

Manufacturer: LöDIGE

Model:KM 1200 DW

Type of machine: Mixers

item-No.: 160053824

Quantity: 1

Date: 13.02.2025

Year of manufacture: 2009

Location: Land-nl Netherlands


Machine in stock:Yes

Lödige ploughshare mixers (unused)
Stainless steel
Brand: Lödige
Type: KM 1200 DW
Power requirement: 55 kW motor.
Incl.: Water injection system
Stock: L5359805 2 pieces.

FR: Lödige Malaxeur à socs de charrue (inutilisés)
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Lödige ploughshare mixers (unused)
Stainless steel
Brand: Lödige
Type: KM 1200 DW
Power requirement: 55 kW motor.
Incl.: Water injection system
Stock: L5359805 2 pieces.

FR: L5359805 Lödige Malaxeur à socs de charrue (inutilisés)

seller offer No. resale 160053824
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L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV

Mr L. Koreman
6222 NS Maastricht

RESALE member since 2022

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more Lödige KM 1200 DW + similar Lödige-Model


Price: sold Lödige KM 1200 DW + similar Lödige-Model

1965 LöDIGEFKM 1200 D – 3 Z F 15000 EUR [Oct 2012]
1965 LöDIGEFKM 1200 D – 3 Z F 15000 EUR [Sep 2012]