Qty. 1 Second-hand power plant including boiler (BFB – boiler:
bubbling fluidized bed)
Mfc.: Foster Wheeler, Siemens, Raumaster, YIT Corporation, Honeywell,
Built: 2001, 2002, 2006, 2009 Revision: 2009 Insulation removed in
BFB Boiler – 88 MW Steam turbine – 22.5 MW
Main Steam Cycle
BFB boiler K7
– Some parts removed and storaged indoor at the paper mill area
– Boiler is made electrically safe (cables cut)
– Dry conservation ongoing since 2014 (tubes filled with nitrogen,
dry air circulation)
– Steam Turbine VP4 (in storage)
Generator (in storage)
Power Plant – Function
Primary function is to produce steam for the Paper Mill reliable and
Secondary functions:
Burning of the Paper Mills (PM) waste wood
Incineration of sludge from the PM: WWTP
Production of flue gas to the PCC (precipitated calcium carbonate)
Electricity production
District heating production
Scope of supply - main machinery and key components
Feed water pumps and motors 2 pc High-pressure preheater, feed water
Feed water valves Injection water system
Steam drum Combustion chamber
Fuel drop funnel 4 pc Start-up burners 2 pc
Load burners 2 pc Waste oil burner, waste oil tank
Natural gas M53809 filters Economiser
Air-preheater Super heater
Exhaust system Main steam valve
Safety valves Dust removing system
Bed material system, bed sand silo Bed sand preparing
Bed lime system, lime silo Furnace ash system
Fly ash system, fly ash silo and screws Primary air blower
Secondary air blower Twist grip blower
Bag filter Flue gas blowers 2 pc
Flue gas scrubbers, lye system, scrubbers sludge system
Safety locking system Nitrogen preservation system
Chemicals dosage and chemical pumps Sample system