Double abbreviations ELME C 11

wood working machines / saws wood

Manufacturer: ELME

Model:C 11

Type of machine: Double abbreviations

item-No.: 163997627

Quantity: 1

Date: 06.05.2024

Year of manufacture:

Location: Land-lt Lithuania 56245 Mediniai Str?vininkai


Machine in stock:Yes

Elme cuts both ends
Adjustable angle vertically and horizontally
Automatic length adjustment

The machine is sold by the customer.

You can call or write to us. We can 5362308 speak and write German and Russian. You can also send messages in English.
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Elme cuts both ends
Adjustable angle vertically and horizontally
Automatic length adjustment

The machine is sold by the customer.

You can call or write to us. We can 5362308 speak and write German 5362308 and Russian. You can also send messages in English.
seller offer No. resale 163997627
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Žilvino Mičiulio Pį

Mr Žilvinas Mičiulis
56245 Mediniai Strėvininkai

RESALE member since 2024

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