wood working machines / milling machines wood

Manufacturer: CNC-STEP

Model:T-Rex Servo-1325 CNC machine


item-No.: 67805447

Quantity: 1

Date: 09.12.2024

Location: Land-de Germany

Price: 30,488 EUR

Machine in stock:Yes

3D CNC Router T-Rex 1215 / Technical Data :

Equipment / product data CNC-milling machine type High-Z/TRex series:

Drive: 3 brushless brand stepping engines with 4,5 ampere.
Possibility of sliding through long and up to 120mm high materials, no belt drive at the ende of the X axis!

Linear guide on all exis by HIWIN / THK !

Multiple ball-bearing ball-screw spindle on all axes, proprietary brand!
Rapid traverse max. ca. 12.000 mm/min

Operating speed max. ca. 8.000 mm/min

Technical definition X/Y : 0,005mm (1/10 Schritt); Z: 0,0025mm

Backlash maximal ca. +/- 10µm (0,010 mm)

Repeat accuracy: ca. 0,01 mm

Clampin surface of grooven panel / T-slot table 1860 x 1340 mm

Travels: X=1500mm; Y=1200mm; Z= 130 mm

Non-contact reed sensors / reference switches / limit switches on all axes

Double secured emergency-stop button
Energy chains for a clean cable routing

Total dimensions with engines : LxBxH ca. 2180 x 1800 x 1420 mm

Milling-engine holder Euroneck Ø43mm

Milling-engine 1,05 kW / 1050 FME 5.000-25.000 U/min with 8mm collet ( optional 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, metric )

incl. software WIN-PCNC USB (optional WINPC NC Profi) and

CAD/CAM Software ConstruCAM-3D (full version incl. post-prozessor for WIN PCNC)Software ConstruCAM-3D (full version incl. post-prozessor for WIN PCNC)

Weight ca. 400 kg

Complete machine incl. 5 channel control 5 x 3,5 ampere, T-slot panel, wear plate, remote control, software ConstruCAM-3D, WIN PCNC USB and Kress milling engine 1050 Watt with 8mm collet !

A introduction, unlimited phone-support as well as our Livesupport/remote maintenance via Teamviewer for lifetime are always included in this complete unit.

An approximately 2-hour introduction with installation of the software on your PC ,brought with, as well as an explanation of the most important terms of ConstruCAM-3D, WIN PCNC, Corel Draw etc. sare also possible and obviously for free.

Technical data regarding the included digital control, aligned to CNC-milling machine TRex:

5-channel stepping engine CNC-control with newest SMD technology

Mains voltage 115 - 240 Volt / 47 - 63 Hz.

Line-to-line current 5 x 3,5 ampere

Micro-step-control definition 1/10-Step / 2000 steps/rotation for high quietness

5 connections for 5 brushless engines / stepping engines

Connection from parallel port with software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or via USB C5344965 mit WIN PCNC USB or Profi. (obviously also possible with MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy as well as LINUX EMC and LINUX CNC and much more.)

"Sleep-Funktion" for current reduction

Oscillation- engine-connection 24 volts, adjustable with PWM (for example tangential knives) optional 24 volts constant for holding break via ST-connection

Activation of 2 users up to ca. 1200 Watt via software switchable (from WIN PCNC Light), 230 volts, max. 6,0 A per power socket (for example compressor, cooling system, suction). Both power sockets secured seperately.

0 - 10 volts for connecting a frequency converter for HF/high-frequency spindle

12 Status-LEDs for operating condition and all important funktions (Power, Toggle, Move, X, Y, Z, C; overheating, emergency-stop, relays: spindle/cooling stystem, short circuit)

Connectivity a total of 4 limit- or reference switches plus a emergency-stop button

Engine connection and control line via D-Sub 9-pol. (C-axis 15-pol.)

Emergency-stop button

overheating protection


; ready for operation
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3D CNC Router T-Rex 1215 / Technical Data :

Equipment / product data CNC-milling machine type High-Z/TRex series:

Drive: 3 brushless brand stepping engines with 4,5 ampere.
Possibility of sliding through long and up to 120mm high materials, no belt drive at the ende of the X axis!

Linear guide on all exis by HIWIN / THK !

Multiple ball-bearing ball-screw spindle on all axes, proprietary brand!
Rapid traverse max. ca. 12.000 mm/min

Operating speed max. ca. 8.000 mm/min

Technical definition X/Y : 0,005mm (1/10 Schritt); Z: 0,0025mm

Backlash maximal ca. +/- 10µm (0,010 mm)

Repeat accuracy: ca. 0,01 mm

Clampin surface of grooven panel / T-slot table 1860 x 1340 mm

Travels: X=1500mm; Y=1200mm; Z= 130 mm

Non-contact reed sensors / reference switches / limit switches on all axes

Double secured emergency-stop button
Energy chains for a clean cable routing

Total dimensions with engines : LxBxH ca. 2180 x 1800 x 1420 mm

Milling-engine holder Euroneck Ø43mm

Milling-engine 1,05 kW / 1050 FME 5.000-25.000 U/min with 8mm collet ( optional 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, metric )

incl. software WIN-PCNC USB (optional WINPC NC Profi) and

CAD/CAM Software ConstruCAM-3D (full version incl. post-prozessor for WIN PCNC)Software ConstruCAM-3D (full version incl. post-prozessor for WIN PCNC)

Weight ca. 400 kg

Complete machine incl. 5 channel control 5 x 3,5 ampere, T-slot panel, wear plate, remote control, software ConstruCAM-3D, WIN PCNC USB and Kress milling engine 1050 Watt with 8mm collet !

A introduction, unlimited phone-support as well as our Livesupport/remote maintenance via Teamviewer for lifetime are always included in this complete unit.

An approximately 2-hour introduction with installation of the software on your PC ,brought with, as well as an explanation of the most important terms of ConstruCAM-3D, WIN PCNC, Corel Draw etc. sare also possible and obviously for free.

Technical data regarding the included digital control, aligned to CNC-milling machine TRex:

5-channel stepping engine CNC-control with newest SMD technology

Mains voltage 115 - 240 Volt / 47 - 63 Hz.

Line-to-line current 5 x 3,5 ampere

Micro-step-control definition 1/10-Step / 2000 steps/rotation for high quietness

5 connections for 5 brushless engines / stepping engines

Connection from parallel port with software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or via USB C5344965 mit WIN PCNC USB or C5344965 Profi. (obviously also possible with MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy as well as LINUX EMC and LINUX CNC and much more.)

"Sleep-Funktion" for current reduction

Oscillation- engine-connection 24 volts, adjustable with PWM (for example tangential knives) optional 24 volts constant for holding break via ST-connection

Activation of 2 users up to ca. 1200 Watt via software switchable (from WIN PCNC Light), 230 volts, max. 6,0 A per power socket (for example compressor, cooling system, suction). Both power sockets secured seperately.

0 - 10 volts for connecting a frequency converter for HF/high-frequency spindle

12 Status-LEDs for operating condition and all important funktions (Power, Toggle, Move, X, Y, Z, C; overheating, emergency-stop, relays: spindle/cooling stystem, short circuit)

Connectivity a total of 4 limit- or reference switches plus a emergency-stop button

Engine connection and control line via D-Sub 9-pol. (C-axis 15-pol.)

Emergency-stop button

overheating protection


; ready for operation
seller offer No. resale 67805447
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Mr Michael Peters
47608 Geldern

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