Specifications / Technical data S-1000/T Portalfraesmaschine /
Engraving machine
With the T-variant of the
High-Z CNC-Fraese you acquire old-fashioned technology with the
certain i-tuepfelchen in TUeV-certified quality (Emc). The High-Z/T
Fraese is designed for even more accuracy (repeatability about 0.01mm
) and especially for higher travel speeds.
the ball-circuit spindles used, the High-Z/T achieves fantastic
accuracy and an almost unmeasurable reverse play of about 0.01mm. At
the same time, high travel speeds of up to approx. 108mm / second (
6500 mm / minute ) can be achieved.
This is how
engraving and fraes speeds of up to approx. 4500mm/min can be realized
and urgent journeys up to approx. 7000mm/min.
you can see a video about empty runs with the new high-Z/T 3D CNC
This makes this machine series in the
industrial sector just as applicable for work as engraving, fraes,
drilling, measuring, cutting, as well as for dosing systems to
apply adhesives to 3D contours, etc
for example
, Cable
guide with coloured energy chains on all axes. Furthermore, all
machines are unrued with a double-unlocked emergency exit button.
Another is located directly at the controller.
basic equipment of all
high-z CNC machines:
Integrated software
ConstruCAM-3D (from S-720 or S-400/D ) included
drive: 4 powerful branded stepper
motors of the Nanotec with 1600 steps/ revolution (control 1/8 step)
o2 motors ! for constant pull and pressure forces when
fraesenonal on the X-axis (no stoerening belt)
opushing long
materials possible, since no belt drive is in the way at the end of
the X axis !
oFuehrungen X and Y Axis 22mm ! Z-axis 16mm, all
ground and 61hrc top-mounted
oside ball-bearing ball spindles
on X and Y axis
oMoving speed max. 7000 mm/min
oTechnical clearance 0.00625 mm ( 1/8 step )
oReverse +/- 10mm ( 0.01mm )
oClamping area 1300 x
700 mm
oTravel distances: X=1000 mm; Y=580 mm; Z= 110 mm
oContactless reed sensors / Reference switch / Limit switch
on all axes
oDouble secured emergency probe
Energy chains for clean cable feeding
oTotal mass with motors : L x W x H=ca.1320 x 840 x 500mm
oFraes motor holder Eurohals 43mm
oincl. Software
WIN PCNC Light (optional WIN-PCNC Economy, USB or Professional)
oincl. Software ConstruCAM-3D, enclosed ( recommended UK price
full version 1902,81 Euro )
open C5344965 frame, therefore
universally applicable
oWeight approx. 51 kg
oComplete machine incl. 4 channel control 4 x 3.5 ampere
oA briefing on collection as well as unlimited telephone
support for service life are included in the price.
oA 2-hour
instruction with installation of the software on your brought computer
as well as an information of the most important basic terms to Corel
Draw etc. also possible
technical data on the
TUeV-certified control included in the price, tuned to the CNC Fraese
/ CNC Fraes machine:
4-channel stepper motor CNC
control with the latest SMD technology
mains voltage 115 -
240 volts / 47 - 63 Hz.
strand current 4 x 3.5 amperes
-micro step control breakdown 1/10-step / 2000 steps/umdr. for
maximum smoothness
- 4 connections for 4 busterless motors /
stepper motors
- Connection to the parallel port with
software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or via USB with WIN PCNC USB
or professional. (Of other things, also via MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy
as well as for LINUX EMC and LINUX CNC
and many others can be
-Sleep function for current abs