1 used filling line for ironing bottles. Original in use for filling
beer (2C) in 330 ml printed glass bottles (diameter 60 mm x height 230
mm) with handle closure, with a capacity of 1,900 bottles/H.
Additional format parts for 500, 750 and 1,000 ml bottles. E-
connection 415V/50Hz. System has run very little and is in top
condition! Consisting of:
Task table, with 5 rows of stainless steel chains. Stainless steel
frame, with inliner and adjustable drive. Built 2006. 1 bottle
transport system for empty and full bottles. Stainless steel chain on
stainless steel frame. Built 2006. 1 Rinser/Filler Monobloc, Make Cime
Careddu (Italy), Type DPS 9-8, built 2006, 9-head rotating Rinser,
no-bottle/no-spray, 8-head rotating back pressure filler with 2x
pre-evacuation (built-in vacuum pump). Heights adjustable. Min/max
bottle diameter 50 - 90 mm, min/max bottle height 180 - 350 mm. Drain
CIP. With Telemecanique PLC and frequency inverter. Running direction:
from left to right. 1 iron ingescent, make AMS Beverage Technology
(Austria), type BV 8/2000/0,33/1 cycle, built in 2006. Min/max bottle
diameter 60 - 85 mm, min/max bottle height 190 - 320 mm. Height
E5318739 adjustable. With Siemens S7 PLC and and SEW frequency
inverter. Power max 2,000 Fl/H., 1 ink printer (Ink-jet coding
system), maplejet ProDigit make, built in 2010, 1 acceptance table,
with verstelable drive for ski disdrivers. Stainless steel version.
Built 2006. 1 Cardboard shutter (self-adhesive tape), soCO system
(Denmark), type T-10, built 1998. For closing the top and bottom of
the box with self-adhesive tape. Width and height adjustable,
1 Kaeser Aircenter SX 4 screw compressor, built 2011.