Wood Vacuum Dryer BRUNNER HILDEBRAND Vacuum Dryer

wood working machines / peripheral equipment (e.g. heating, conveying, drying)


Model:Vacuum Dryer

Type of machine: Wood Vacuum Dryer

item-No.: 305786

Quantity: 1

Date: 28.02.2011

Year of manufacture: 2002

Location: Land-de Germany

Price: 45,000 EUR

Stack dimensions (LxWxH) - 16m x 1,4 m x 1,6 m
automatic drying by means of Z5317754 computer
Heating power - 90 kW

Top Condition
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Stack dimensions (LxWxH) - 16m x 1,4 m x 1,6 m
automatic drying by means of Z5317754 computer
Heating power - 90 Z5317754 kW

Top Condition
seller offer No. resale 305786
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Zelikman GbR

Mr Zelikman
72764 Reutlingen

RESALE member since 2008

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Price: sold BRUNNER HILDEBRAND Vacuum Dryer + similar BRUNNER HILDEBRAND-Model

2002 BRUNNER HILDEBRANDVacuum Dryer 45000 EUR [Feb 2011]