Working mode: Semiautomatic
Machine type: Horizontal bandsaw
Cut: Straight cut
Mitre cuts range: 0°
Drive: 4 kW, 3x400 V/50 Hz
Saw band speed: 20 - 120 m/min.
Saw band dimensions: 4 580 x 34 x 1,1 mm
Material loading height: 780 mm
Length: 2 172 mm
Width: 1 197 mm
Height: 1 771 mm
Weight: 800 kg
This universal semiautomatic bandsaw of a double-column construction,
designed for perpendicular cuts of materials up to 280 mm in diameter,
provides high quality at an affordable price. The saw arm is guided by
two robust columns and laid on preloaded, no-clearance linear guiding
on one side and on auxiliary guiding on the other side. The excellent
cutting performance results from these features: a three-sided
hardmetal precision guide of the 34 mm high saw band and synchronous
running brush for chips removal. Material clamping is performed by a
full-stroke sectional vice. The material feed is manual.
The cut material outlet is fitted with a slide. The saw band drive is
equipped with a frequency convertor that allows the band’s optimal
speed to be set against the processed material within the 20-120 m/min
range; this significantly increases both the saw band E5355753
lifetime and the machine productivity. Further, the band is tilted
against the vice load surface at 2° angle, which also significantly
reduces cutting times and contributes to a longer band lifetime.
Thanks to their arms rigidity, double-column bandsaws with a fixed arm
position achieve much shorter cutting times (especially in cutting
full materials) than machines with articulated saw arms.
Key features
Both-sided linear guiding of the saw arm
Arm laid on linear guiding
Automatic downfeed pressure regulation
Simple and clearly arranged control