30,000 litre extinguishing water tank
according to DIN 6608/2, double-walled,
external with a high-quality PUR-ENDOPRENE insulation in accordance
with DIN 6607.
PUR-ENDOPRENE is a 2-component solvent-free
Polyurethane insulation with excellent insulation properties.
can be used as a water tank, extinguishing water tank, extinguishing
water tank, extinguishing water retention tank,
Rain retention tanks, cisterns, etc.
- Factory new -
Dimensions: D = 2.00 m - L = approx. 10.00 m - weight approx. 6.2
With welded dome shaft approx. 800mm high,
as well as a walk-in cover, galvanized + tagwaterproof.
For use as a fire-fighting water tank, we can use the tank
fully equipped with a fire brigade suction connection.
Extinguishing water suction connection / suction line made of
stainless steel V2A - according to DIN 14230 - consisting of:
- 1 pc. suction line DN125 made of stainless steel - V2A,
with Storz A-fixed coupling and Storz A-blind coupling,
- 1 pc. vent pipe DN100 with stainless steel hood - V2A,
- 1 pc. anti-vortex plate mounted on suction line,
- 1 pc. sign "Extinguishing water collection point",
- 1 pc. bearing pipe with bearing rod for measuring the level,
- 1 pc. dome lid with screws and A5326623 seal.
The suction line can be used as both filling and removal pipe.
The components are prepared ready for assembly - ex works -
You will receive an invoice with VAT shown.
The purchase is made on our general terms and conditions.
Further tank systems (new and used) as well as rental systems are also
on offer!
In addition, we buy up existing tank systems and can
with certified technical operating qualification according to the
Water Budget Act (Section 62 WHG),
properly empty, clean, dismantle and remove.