Верстат для лазерного різання TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 Fiber (L68) 8000 Watt

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Виробник: TRUMPF

Модель:TruLaser 5030 Fiber (L68) 8000 Watt

Тип техніки: Верстат для лазерного різання

Номер позиції: 165710014

Кількість: 1

Дата: 25.11.2024

Рік випуску: 2014

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина


Машина в наявності:Так


Standard equipment

- Closed machine frame
- Integrated machine cabinet
- Torque drives in combination with linear direct drives
- Closed beam guidance via light guide cable (LLK)
- Machine cooling unit (water-air)
- Integrated control cabinets with interior lighting
- Wide longitudinal conveyor belt for small parts/waste
- TruDisk power supply via the machine
- Work area lighting
- Position laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- Mircroweld
- NitroLine high-pressure cutting
- PlasmaLine
- Automatic nozzle cleaning
- Transport and assembly device

TRUMP Lasers
- Solid-state laser TruDisk 3001 with an LLK outlet
- Light guide cable according to standard layout
- Laser cooling unit (water-air)
- Excitation via pump diodes
- Laser power control

Cutting head
- Universal cutting unit with adaptive lens system
- Protective glass against lens contamination
- Protective glass monitoring
- ControlLine: Height control and sheet metal outer edge detection

- Sinumerik 840D SL control
- TruTops Laser via network access (PC to be provided by the customer)
- 17” touch color screen
- Easy workshop programming
- Advanced workshop programming
- Fast reproducing
- Integrated technology data
- Automatic switch-off
- Electronic rolling roof
- FastLine
- ContourLine
- AdjustLine
- Integrated e-shop
- Teleservice via Internet

Data transfer
- USB interface
- RJ-45 network connection

- CE marking
- Light barriers
- Multi-chamber suction system
- Integrated compact O5344949 dust collection system
- Machine cover, certified viewing window, door on the right

Extended machine equipment:

+ Package II Smart Monitoring Plus
+ Copper cutting package
+ Brass cutting package
+ CoolLine
+ Integrated camera (Full HD) for process monitoring with monitor interface and individual transmission to the network
+ Graphic post-production
+ Interface for existing LiftMaster
+ 2x machine auxiliary pallet RQ webs structural steel
+ Storage interface
+ Safety device for warehouse connection
+ Documentation TruLaser 5030 fiber (L68)
+ Software for the machine system

- additional post-processor TruLaser
- Machine connection to warehouse
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Standard equipment

- Closed machine frame
- Integrated machine cabinet
- Torque drives in combination with linear direct drives
- Closed beam guidance via light guide cable (LLK)
- Machine cooling unit (water-air)
- Integrated control cabinets with interior lighting
- Wide longitudinal conveyor belt for small parts/waste
- TruDisk power supply via the machine
- Work area lighting
- Position laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- Mircroweld
- NitroLine high-pressure cutting
- PlasmaLine
- Automatic nozzle cleaning
- Transport and assembly device

TRUMP Lasers
- Solid-state laser TruDisk 3001 with an LLK outlet
- Light guide cable according to standard layout
- Laser cooling unit (water-air)
- Excitation via pump diodes
- Laser power control

Cutting head
- Universal cutting unit with adaptive lens system
- Protective glass against lens contamination
- Protective glass monitoring
- ControlLine: Height control and sheet metal outer edge detection

- Sinumerik 840D SL control
- TruTops Laser via network access (PC to be provided by the customer)
- 17” touch color screen
- Easy workshop programming
- Advanced workshop programming
- Fast reproducing
- Integrated technology data
- Automatic switch-off
- Electronic rolling roof
- FastLine
- ContourLine
- AdjustLine
- Integrated e-shop
- Teleservice via Internet

Data transfer
- USB interface
- RJ-45 network connection

- CE marking
- Light barriers
- Multi-chamber suction system
- Integrated compact O5344949 dust collection O5344949 system
- Machine cover, certified viewing window, door on the right

Extended machine equipment:

+ Package II Smart Monitoring Plus
+ Copper cutting package
+ Brass cutting package
+ CoolLine
+ Integrated camera (Full HD) for process monitoring with monitor interface and individual transmission to the network
+ Graphic post-production
+ Interface for existing LiftMaster
+ 2x machine auxiliary pallet RQ webs structural steel
+ Storage interface
+ Safety device for warehouse connection
+ Documentation TruLaser 5030 fiber (L68)
+ Software for the machine system

- additional post-processor TruLaser
- Machine connection to warehouse
seller offer No. resale 2
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Oskar Broziat Maschinen AG

пан Reto Bossart
8274 Tägerwilen

RESALE член з 2015

  • список машин (14)


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