Верстат для лазерного різання TRUMPF TruLaser 1030 Fiber (L46) 3000 Watt

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Oskar Broziat Maschinen AG
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пан Reto Bossart
8274 Tägerwilen

  • +41 71 66... телефон

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RESALE член з 2015

  • список машин (14)
Номер позиції: 165710021 Кількість: 1 Дата: 25.11.2024
Рік випуску: 2017 Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина
Виробник: TRUMPF
Модель: TruLaser 1030 Fiber (L46) 3000 Watt
Тип техніки: Верстат для лазерного різання
Опис: Верстат для лазерного різання TRUMPF TruLaser 1030 Fiber (L46) 3000 Watt

вживана машина

Standard equipment machine:
- Working range in 3000 x 1500mm
- Closed machine frame with integrated components
- Working range accessible from front and rear side
- Motion unit with flying optics for high precision processing
- Maintenance free servo-drives
- Moving catcher
- Enclosed beam delivery via fiber optic cable
- Integrated chiller for laser and machine
- Integrated electrical cabinet
- Movable pallet with pallet guides
- Power supply for TruDisk by the machine
- Transversal slag drawers
- Work area lighting
- Positioning laser diode
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- NitroLine
- Transport and assembly device
- Copper cutting package (includes cutting data)
- Brass cutting package (includes cutting data)

TRUMPF laser
- External solid state laser TruDisk 2001 with 1 laser output
- Excitation by pumping diodes
- fiber optic cable according standard layout (laser next to machine)
- Laser power control
- Logbook function laser

Cutting unit
- Universal Cutting
- Single cutting head strategy
- Protection glass to avoid lense contamination
- ControlLine: automatic height control and sheet edge detection

- Easy drawing module
- Easy shop floor programming
- Fast post production
- Easy, intuitive touch control with 15 TFT screen
- Integrated technology data
- O5144949 Automatic shutdown
- Programmable cutting gas pressure
- ContourLine
- FastLine
- Teleservice via internet
- Microjoint-Handling on the user-panel
- Adjustable dynamics

Data transmission
- RJ45 -network connection and a USB interface

- CE label
- compact dust extractor
- Machine enclosure with certificated windows
- Motorized front dorr and movable back door
- Closed machine roof

- TruTops CAD (Offline version): Create and edit drawings easy and fast

- Fully automated pallet changer (with light barriers)
seller offer No. resale 6
Машина в наявності: Так
Seller-item-No.: 6
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