Systèmes de fenêtres WEINIG Unicontrol 6 NC Spindeln

machines à bois / machines de production de fenêtre / Systèmes de fenêtres

Fabricant: WEINIG

Modèle:Unicontrol 6 NC Spindeln

Type de machine: Systèmes de fenêtres

Numéro de l'article: 164770634

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 2009

Emplacement: Oberkochen


Machine en stock:Oui


Tenoning spindle: 1 Stk.
Number of milling agregates: 4 St.
Spindle diameter: 50 mm
Control: Weinig, PC-Nexus
# 2756 Weinig Unicontrol 6 with NC spindles
Mach ine will be checked !

Technical data summary
(please inquire about any additional accessories included)

Pos. 1: Crosscut saw
> Number of tools: 1 piece.
> Spindle speed: 3,000 - 6,000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 400 mm
> Motor power: 3.7 kW
> Adjustment path radially pneumatically controlled to 8 positions,
e.g. for edge rounding from above

> Laser directional light to detect the saw section

Pos. 2: Rounding unit horizontally at the bottom
> Position: horizontally below
> Motor power: 1.5 kW
> Spindle diameter: 20 mm
> Clamping length 25 mm
> Spindle speed: 9000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max.: 130 mm
> Adjustment path axially mechanically coupled to crosscut saw
> Adjustment path radially pneumatically controlled on/off

Length stop CNC controlled
> Length 3500 mm
> electronic length stop

Pos. 3: Tap and slot spindle
> Number of tools: variable, infinitely variable, NC-controlled
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, infinitely variable, NC controlled
> Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 320 mm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 320 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Pos. 4: 1. Profiling spindle (synchronous and counter-rotation)
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: 1 piece.
> Tool clamping length: 120 mm
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Pos. 5: 2nd profiling spindle
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: variable, infinitely variable, NC-controlled
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, infinitely variable, NC controlled
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

2 feed rollers axially pneumatically controlled opposite the spindle, 2

Rung guide consisting of:
Guide ruler in the stop (area of synchronous spindle),
Rung support bar from above in the area of the profile milling unit vertically
on the right
and profiling spindle.

Pos. 6: Profile milling unit horizontally at the top
> Clamping length: 40 mm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Motor power: 3.8 kW
> Speed 9,000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 130 mm
> Axial adjustment range 30 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment path 125 mm, 8 positions

Pos. 7: 3rd profiling spindle (fittings spindle)
> Position: vertical right
> Tool clamping length: 160 mm
> Axial adjustment range 115 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment path 110 mm, 8-fold turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: G5312123 210 mm
> Motor power: 3.8 kW

Other features
> online capable
> Electric feed height adjustment including mechanical digital display
and manual feed beam clamping
> Folding device for tear-free folding
> Milling carriage for milling sashes with frame widths under 500 mm.
Automatic pneumatic clamping. Minimum frame height 450 mm
> Double parts package
> Return conveyor system for 1-man operation: swivel conveyor
> Screen controls
> Slanted window device
> Electronic angle display for sloping windows
> Industrial PC, TOUCH screen, with Windows PC control/NEXUS
> with Weinig type production program

Suction nozzle diameter:
Cro sscut saw 80 mm
Slotted spindle 140 mm
Profile spindle 1 140 mm
Profile spindle 2 140 mm
Fitting spindle 120 mm
Grooving device from above 80 mm

used Leitz Tools IV 68/78/88 wood and wood-aluminium

The technical characteristics of this machine should meet your expectations
do not correspond, please contact us. Our
A team with many years of experience will be happy to support you with any
or when looking for a machine that meets your requirements!

(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Tenoning spindle: 1 Stk.
Number of milling agregates: 4 St.
Spindle diameter: 50 mm
Control: Weinig, PC-Nexus
# 2756 Weinig Unicontrol 6 with NC spindles
Mach ine will be checked !

Technical data summary
(please inquire about any additional accessories included)

Pos. 1: Crosscut saw
> Number of tools: 1 piece.
> Spindle speed: 3,000 - 6,000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 400 mm
> Motor power: 3.7 kW
> Adjustment path radially pneumatically controlled to 8 positions,
e.g. for edge rounding from above

> Laser directional light to detect the saw section

Pos. 2: Rounding unit horizontally at the bottom
> Position: horizontally below
> Motor power: 1.5 kW
> Spindle diameter: 20 mm
> Clamping length 25 mm
> Spindle speed: 9000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max.: 130 mm
> Adjustment path axially mechanically coupled to crosscut saw
> Adjustment path radially pneumatically controlled on/off

Length stop CNC controlled
> Length 3500 mm
> electronic length stop

Pos. 3: Tap and slot spindle
> Number of tools: variable, infinitely variable, NC-controlled
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, infinitely variable, NC controlled
> Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 320 mm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 320 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Pos. 4: 1. Profiling spindle (synchronous and counter-rotation)
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: 1 piece.
> Tool clamping length: 120 mm
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Pos. 5: 2nd profiling spindle
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: variable, infinitely variable, NC-controlled
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, infinitely variable, NC controlled
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

2 feed rollers axially pneumatically controlled opposite the spindle, 2

Rung guide consisting of:
Guide ruler in the stop (area of synchronous spindle),
Rung support bar from above in the area of the profile milling unit vertically
on the right
and profiling spindle.

Pos. 6: Profile milling unit horizontally at the top
> Clamping length: 40 mm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Motor power: 3.8 kW
> Speed 9,000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 130 mm
> Axial adjustment range 30 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment path 125 mm, 8 positions

Pos. 7: 3rd profiling spindle (fittings spindle)
> Position: vertical right
> Tool clamping length: 160 mm
> Axial adjustment range 115 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment path 110 mm, 8-fold turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: G5312123 210 mm
> Motor G5312123 power: 3.8 kW

Other features
> online capable
> Electric feed height adjustment including mechanical digital display
and manual feed beam clamping
> Folding device for tear-free folding
> Milling carriage for milling sashes with frame widths under 500 mm.
Automatic pneumatic clamping. Minimum frame height 450 mm
> Double parts package
> Return conveyor system for 1-man operation: swivel conveyor
> Screen controls
> Slanted window device
> Electronic angle display for sloping windows
> Industrial PC, TOUCH screen, with Windows PC control/NEXUS
> with Weinig type production program

Suction nozzle diameter:
Cro sscut saw 80 mm
Slotted spindle 140 mm
Profile spindle 1 140 mm
Profile spindle 2 140 mm
Fitting spindle 120 mm
Grooving device from above 80 mm

used Leitz Tools IV 68/78/88 wood and wood-aluminium

The technical characteristics of this machine should meet your expectations
do not correspond, please contact us. Our
A team with many years of experience will be happy to support you with any
or when looking for a machine that meets your requirements!

(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-2756
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

Monsieur Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

RESALE membre depuis que 2014

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