Systèmes de fenêtres WEINIG Unicontrol 10

machines à bois / machines de production de fenêtre / Systèmes de fenêtres

Fabricant: WEINIG

Modèle:Unicontrol 10

Type de machine: Systèmes de fenêtres

Numéro de l'article: 165688888

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication:

Emplacement: Oberkochen

Prix: 2,000 EUR

Machine en stock:Oui


Tenoning spindle: 1 Stk.
Number of milling agregates: 4 St.
Spindle diameter: 50,40 mm
control: Weinig Nexus
Weinig Unicontrol 10/5
Machine for sale on behalf of a customer at a reasonable price.
Crosscut saw no longer referenced.

Manufacturers description:

- Crosscut saw infinitely variable
- Slot spindle: 640 mm long, 50 mm diameter, 8x80mm stroke
- Electronic length stop
- Double parts package
- 2x profile spindles each 320 mm long, 50 mm diameter, 4x 80mm stroke
- 1x fitting spindle 150 mm long, 40 mm diameter, 3 positions
- 1x grooving device from above
- Nexus control program-controlled

1. Spindle in parallel and counter-rotating direction for G5312123 tear-free rebating

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Price of the above machine on request!
(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Tenoning spindle: 1 Stk.
Number of milling agregates: 4 St.
Spindle diameter: 50,40 mm
control: Weinig Nexus
Weinig Unicontrol 10/5
Machine for sale on behalf of a customer at a reasonable price.
Crosscut saw no longer referenced.

Manufacturers description:

- Crosscut saw infinitely variable
- Slot spindle: 640 mm long, 50 mm diameter, 8x80mm stroke
- Electronic length stop
- Double parts package
- 2x profile spindles each 320 mm long, 50 mm diameter, 4x 80mm stroke
- 1x fitting spindle 150 mm long, 40 mm diameter, 3 positions
- 1x grooving device from above
- Nexus control program-controlled

1. Spindle in parallel and counter-rotating direction for G5312123 tear-free G5312123 rebating

Return to the operator
Price of the above machine on request!
(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-6894
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

Monsieur Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

RESALE membre depuis que 2014

  • liste des machines (188)


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