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10 similar machines:

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 500
Seller: Land-pl StanDrew

Weinig Powermat 500 four-sided planer - year of manufacture 2008 - German production - PowerCom control - saving profiles with tools and positions - PowerLock tool mounting TECHNICAL PARAMETERS: planing width 300 mm planing height 200 mm PowerLock tool mount PowerCom control with upper and left spindle positioning 1 spindle 11kW 2 spindle 11 kW 3 spindle 11 kW 4 spindle 15 kW 5 spindle 15 kW milling spindle 1,5 kW 12000 rpm spindle speed 8000 rpm infinitely adjustable feed rate 6-36 m/min feed motor power 4kW five upper steel pulling rollers one rubber top pulling roller one roller in the countertop pulling airbag in the table automatic central lubr ...

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 400 CNC_Powerlock
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: Oberkochen

Number of spindles: 6 St. Working width: 230 mm Working height: 120 mm Length of the planing table: 2500 mm Feed motor: 4 kW Feed speed: 5-30 m/min. Weinig Powermat 400 with HSK/Powerlock, axial/radial CNC controlled ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Short summary: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 6 spindles with 8,000 rpm 5 x HSK/Powerlock Axial and radial CNC adjustment of the spindles via control CNC - controlled adjustment and positioning of the feed Detailed description: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Technical specifications: Working width: 20-230 mm Working height: ...

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 500 Fenster
Seller: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: Oberkochen

Number of spindles: 6 St. Working width: 230 mm Working height: 120 mm Length of the planing table: 2500 mm Feed motor: 4 kW Feed speed: 5-30 m/min. Control: Weinig PowerCom Weinig Powermat 500 for window production --------------------------------------------- Machine will be checked at our warehouse Short summary: --------------------------------------------- 6 Spindles with 8,000 rpm and 7.5 KW 5 x HSK/Powerlock Window package with glazing bead separation Spindles axially and radially CNC controlled right and upper spindles with common pneumatic timing for Glazing bead cutting Large control Powercom with touchscreen Detailed description: --------------------------------------------- Tool  ...

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 1200 EM 100 High-Mech
Seller: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: Oberkochen

Number of spindles: 6 St. Working width: 230 mm Working height: 160 mm Length of the planing table: 1050 mm Feed motor: 7 kW Feed speed: 6-40 m/min. Weinig Powermat 1200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - with infeed automation Weinig wheel magazine EM 100 and linked with outfeed automation Weinig High-Mech A 1 The machine will be completely checked in our warehouse before delivery! Detailed description: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1. Weinig planer and moulder Powermat 1200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Technical data: ------------------------ Working width 20 - 230 m ...

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 400
Seller: Land-pl Emi maszyny Damian Gielata Sp.K.
Price: 49.900 €

working width 230mm working height 120mm 6 spindles spindle system: Lower Right - Powerlock Left - Powerlock Upper upper - Powerlock Bottom - Powerlock PowerCOM control Countertop Material Feeder smooth adjustment of the feed speed up to 30m/min spindle rotation 6000 rpm Feed on cardan shafts pneumatic pulling roller clamps year of production 2008

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 500
Seller: Land-pl Emi maszyny Damian Gielata Sp.K.
Price: 44.600 €

working width 230mm working height 120mm 6 spindles spindle arrangement: lower/right/left/upper/upper/lower second upper Powerlock spindle pulling roller in the feeding table spindle diameter 50mm spindle rotation 8000 rpm Power Com control smooth feed speed adjustment 5-30m/min year of production 2005

Machine: WEINIG Powermat 500
New in: 2008
Seller: Land-nl Diba Machinehandel BV
Location:: hardinxveld-giessendam

WEINIG moulder, type Powermat 500, Manufacture year 2008, Machine specifications:, - Planing width 20 - 230 mm, - Planing height 10 - 160 mm, - Cardan feeding, motor 5.0 kW, - Feed speed 5 – 30 m/min, Spindle layout:, 1. Horizontal bottom spindle, 11 kW, 2. Vertical spindle right, 11 kW, 3. Vertical spindle left, 11 kW, 4. Horizontal top spindle, 11 kW, 5. Horizontal bottom spindle, 11 kW, - Surface table 1050 mm, - Motor brakes, - Memory Set controller, - CNC positioning for spindle 3+4, - Feeded table rollers, - Waxalite pump, - Spindle diameter 50 mm, - Complete with accessories

Seller: Land-fr KAZI-TANI S.A.S.
Location:: 58000 Challuy NEVERS
Price: 120.000 €

Working width: up to 250 mm Working height: up to 120 mm Feed 6 to 36 m/min POWERLOCK system for quick tool changes POWERCOM (Motorized Pin Positioning) Memory System (optimization of start-up time after tool change) Grooved table Full-width device Composition: Shaft diameter: 40 mm Shaft rotation speed 8000 rpm Max diameter of vertical tools: 200 mm Max diameter of horizontal tools: 225 mm Grooved lower shaft Straight top 11 kW Left top 11 kW 7.5 kW straight router, Powerlock device Left Router 7.5 kW, Powerlock Upper shaft 18.5 kW Lower shaft 11 kW 15 kW upper shaft, Powerlock device 30 kW lower shaft, Powerlock device Opti ...

New in: 2007
Seller: Land-si GINDUMAC GmbH

This 4-axis WEINIG POWERMAT 400LE wood moulder was manufactured in 2007. It features a robust PowerLock tool mounting system, adjustable feed speeds from 5–30 m/min, and motors up to 10 HP. Ideal for detailed woodworking with maximum tool diameters up to 200 mm and rebate depths up to 35 mm. If you are looking to get high-quality milling capabilities, consider the WEINIG POWERMAT 400LE machine we have for sale. Contact us for further details regarding this machine.

Machine: WEINIG H 22 BL high speed planer -
New in: 1995
Seller: Land-at Heindl Handels GmbH

WEINIG high performance planer Type Hydromat 22 BL (full checked!) Built in 1995 With safety hood and soundproofing cabin! Machine specifications: - Planing capacity 220 x 120 mm - Feeding, 8- 80 m/min, motor 18.5 kW Spindle layout: Bottom-right-Links Top - bottom, table rigid Bottom, table rigid, spindle prepared Top - bottom, table rigid, spindle prepared gap unit, consisting of 1 right and 1 left spindle 30 kW each (4500 rpm) incl. table roll, sliding roller, spray indentation and wedge dissipation 4 Roller pull-out Special printing and fittings for the production of top layer slats Feed (divider) for slats and pull-out tape

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