Двошнекові екструдери WERNER & PFLEIDERER ZSK 58 - Double screw extruder

технологічні процеси / машини та установки для технологічних процесів

Виробник: Werner & Pfleiderer

Модель:ZSK 58 - Double screw extruder

Тип техніки: Двошнекові екструдери

Номер позиції: 164378457

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску:

Місцезнаходження: Land-nl Нідерланди Barneveld The Netherlands


Машина в наявності:Так


General SKU204U026 LocationBarneveld MakeWerner & Pfleiderer TypeZSK 58 F96E Mach.No.231616 Sizes Screw diameter57.8 mm Main Features Motor74 KW Inlet diameter100 mm L/D27 Specified Features - Double screw extruder Double screw extrudercheck Screw diameter57.80 L/D27 Co-rotatingcheck Ventedcheck Water coolingcheck AC-motorcheck Screw speed191 rpm MaterialNitriding steel 1.8519 Information Year of construction1995 With switchgearcheck (as is) Floorspace2.5x1.4 m Total height1,5 m Extra Specificationsthe currently installed head” on the extruder is a cleaning head. this is not a die. - there are 2 screw shafts present. - no screw segments present. - this extruder comes with brush screws. - the extruder comes with 4 extra housing segments. this extruder was part of a complete system. any associated machines are: Collin Calander Pharma 200x400 , sku: 204U929 Sollich KK240 - Belt cooler, F5352068 sku: 204U035 Double screw extrudersWerner & PfleidererExtruders > Double screw extrudersBrand > Werner & Pfleiderer What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
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General SKU204U026 LocationBarneveld MakeWerner & Pfleiderer TypeZSK 58 F96E Mach.No.231616 Sizes Screw diameter57.8 mm Main Features Motor74 KW Inlet diameter100 mm L/D27 Specified Features - Double screw extruder Double screw extrudercheck Screw diameter57.80 L/D27 Co-rotatingcheck Ventedcheck Water coolingcheck AC-motorcheck Screw speed191 rpm MaterialNitriding steel 1.8519 Information Year of construction1995 With switchgearcheck (as is) Floorspace2.5x1.4 m Total height1,5 m Extra Specificationsthe currently installed head” on the extruder is a cleaning head. this is not a die. - there are 2 screw shafts present. - no screw segments present. - this extruder comes with brush screws. - the extruder comes with 4 extra housing segments. this extruder was part of a complete system. any associated machines are: Collin Calander Pharma 200x400 , sku: 204U929 Sollich KK240 - Belt cooler, F5352068 sku: 204U035 Double F5352068 screw extrudersWerner & PfleidererExtruders > Double screw extrudersBrand > Werner & Pfleiderer What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 204U026
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3771 Barneveld

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більше Werner & Pfleiderer ZSK 58 - Double screw extruder + similar Werner & Pfleiderer-Модель


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