Автоматична штампувальна машина - подвійна підставка WEINGARTEN HD 160

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Модель:HD 160

Тип техніки: Автоматична штампувальна машина - подвійна підставка

Номер позиції: 156214099

Кількість: 1

Дата: 26.03.2025

Рік випуску: 1978

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Metzingen


Машина в наявності:Так


pressure: 160 t
no. of strokes: 40 - 120 Hub/min
sheet width: mm
total power requirement: 40 kW
Pressing capacity 160 ton

Table clamping area 1,100 x 1,280 mm
Ram clamping area 850 x 890 mm
Distance between guides 1,120 mm
Distance between columns (below guide ways) 1,350 mm
Distance between Table and ram in upper position approx. 400 mm

No. of strokes 40 - 120 /min
Adjustment of stoke 67 / 115 / 160 mm
Ram adjustment, motor driven 125 mm
Ejector travel 50 mm

Total electrical load, approx. 40 kW - 500 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 24,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features

WEINGARTEN Sheet Metal Uncoiler with overhead loop control (space saving because it does not need a loop-pit). Strip width 375 mm. The loop control guides the strip-material from the uncoiler to the machine thru a straightening device with automatic H5341166 supervision.
8-track slide bearing guide.
Automatic oil-circulation lubrication.
Hydraulic overload protection in conjunction with the ORTLINGHAUS Clutch Brake
Safety doors. Motor-driven ram adjustment 125 mm.
Required space: 4 x 2.2 m. Height max. 4.6 m (only press)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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pressure: 160 t
no. of strokes: 40 - 120 Hub/min
sheet width: mm
total power requirement: 40 kW
Pressing capacity 160 ton

Table clamping area 1,100 x 1,280 mm
Ram clamping area 850 x 890 mm
Distance between guides 1,120 mm
Distance between columns (below guide ways) 1,350 mm
Distance between Table and ram in upper position approx. 400 mm

No. of strokes 40 - 120 /min
Adjustment of stoke 67 / 115 / 160 mm
Ram adjustment, motor driven 125 mm
Ejector travel 50 mm

Total electrical load, approx. 40 kW - 500 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 24,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features

WEINGARTEN Sheet Metal Uncoiler with overhead loop control (space saving because it does not need a loop-pit). Strip width 375 mm. The loop control guides the strip-material from the uncoiler to the machine thru a straightening device with automatic H5341166 supervision.
8-track slide bearing H5341166 guide.
Automatic oil-circulation lubrication.
Hydraulic overload protection in conjunction with the ORTLINGHAUS Clutch Brake
Safety doors. Motor-driven ram adjustment 125 mm.
Required space: 4 x 2.2 m. Height max. 4.6 m (only press)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1049-175924
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Hans-Jürgen Geiger Maschinen-Vertrieb GmbH

пан Michael P. Richter
72555 Metzingen

RESALE член з 2014

  • список машин (242)


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більше WEINGARTEN HD 160 + similar WEINGARTEN-Модель


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1964 WEINGARTENER 160 12000 EUR [May 2013]