Line for Cans TWIN MONKEYS Automated Canning System

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RESALE член з 2021

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Номер позиції: 165900667 Кількість: 1 Дата: 19.12.2024
Рік випуску: 2021 Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина
Модель: Automated Canning System
Тип техніки: Line for Cans
Опис: Line for Cans TWIN MONKEYS Automated Canning System

вживана машина

Overview The can filling line was manufactured in 2021 and in use in a brewery in Spain. As the owner is now shifting his production to a contract bottler due to increased volume, this line is for sale. With the can filler and seamer, there comes a table to put the empty cans on, conveyors, an ENOS S5000 labeller with three stations for self adhesive labels and a discharge table. It is possible to use different can formats.  Plant in detail Filler + Seamer | TWIN Monkeys | CIMARRON | 2021  Capacity: up to 3.000 cans/ h  Formats: designed for 0,33l u. 0,44l  Length: 2.000mm Width: 875mm Height: 1.860mm Labeller | ENOS | S5000 B41258209 | 2022 Capacity: 5.000 cans/ h Number of label stations: 3 Self-adhesive labels  Length: 2.850mm Width: 1.500mm Height: 2.000mm Weight: 450Kg Electr. connected load: 2 kW Scope of delivery Infeed table Conveyor  Outfeed table
seller offer No. resale ES-COM-TWI-2021-00001
Seller-item-No.: ES-COM-TWI-2021-00001
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