Машини для лазерного різання TRUMPF TRUMATIC L 3050

металообробні станки / обробка листового металу / Машини для лазерного різання

Виробник: TRUMPF

Модель:TRUMATIC L 3050

Тип техніки: Машини для лазерного різання

Номер позиції: 160687189

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2005

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Backnang


Машина в наявності:Так


Standard Configuration

? Closed machine frame with integrated laser unit
? Laser unit: CO2 laser TLF 5000, radio-frequency excited, chiller, logbook function Laser
? Automatic pallet changer and longitudinal conveyor for small parts / slag
? Drives: Gantry drive in combination with linear direct drives
? Laser power control
? HI-LAS high pressure cutting
? Plasma sensor system PSS
? PCS Process Control System
? DIAS capacitive height regulation
? High-speed processing with SprintLas
? ContourLas for producing small holes
? Programmable cutting gas pressure setting
? Automatic nozzle cleaning
? Laser cutting head with 5? lens and laser cutting head with 7.5? lens
? Cutting head quick-change device
? Automatic sheet edge detection
? Positioning laser diode
? Programmable power cycles
? Microweld
? Automatic focus adjustment AutoLas Plus
? Oil spray device for reliable thick plate machining
? Automatic shutdown
? Work area lighting
? Sinumerik 840D control: Open PC-based control I5329226 system, easy to operate, Online help, diagnostic functions, maintenance logbook, technology data, Teleservice, RJ 45 network connection, 3.5? disc drive, TFT color screen
? Shopfloor programming ToPs 100 lite
? Safety: Multi-beam light barriers, completely encapsulated beam delivery purged with nitrogen, monitoring system, multi-chamber extraction system and compact dust extractor, safety cabin


? Loadmaster

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Standard Configuration

? Closed machine frame with integrated laser unit
? Laser unit: CO2 laser TLF 5000, radio-frequency excited, chiller, logbook function Laser
? Automatic pallet changer and longitudinal conveyor for small parts / slag
? Drives: Gantry drive in combination with linear direct drives
? Laser power control
? HI-LAS high pressure cutting
? Plasma sensor system PSS
? PCS Process Control System
? DIAS capacitive height regulation
? High-speed processing with SprintLas
? ContourLas for producing small holes
? Programmable cutting gas pressure setting
? Automatic nozzle cleaning
? Laser cutting head with 5? lens and laser cutting head with 7.5? lens
? Cutting head quick-change device
? Automatic sheet edge detection
? Positioning laser diode
? Programmable power cycles
? Microweld
? Automatic focus adjustment AutoLas Plus
? Oil spray device for reliable thick plate machining
? Automatic shutdown
? Work area lighting
? Sinumerik 840D control: Open PC-based control I5329226 system, easy to I5329226 operate, Online help, diagnostic functions, maintenance logbook, technology data, Teleservice, RJ 45 network connection, 3.5? disc drive, TFT color screen
? Shopfloor programming ToPs 100 lite
? Safety: Multi-beam light barriers, completely encapsulated beam delivery purged with nitrogen, monitoring system, multi-chamber extraction system and compact dust extractor, safety cabin


? Loadmaster

seller offer No. resale LM-1884
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I-H&S GmbH

пані Yelena Gechtlar
71522 Backnang

RESALE член з 2009

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