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Номер позиції: 163890541

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2019

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина düsseldorf



We are selling a Stratasys F370 on behalf of a customer. Maintenance contract was active until 04/2023. The machine is in very good working condition and comes with many accessories., Stratasys F370 Accessories:, - 9 Build Trays, - 1 role QSR Support, - 1 roll ABS black, - 8 printheads (2 installed), - 4x lye powder for washing out the support material, - last electrical safety test in 10/2023, network connection: LAN (Ethernet), WiFi, software: GrabCad Print (Download), Insight Software License, Installation space (x,y,z): 355 x 254 x 355, operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64 bit only), Windows 11 at least 4 GB RAM, building material: ABS-CF10, ABS-ESD7™, ABS-M30, ASA, Diran™ 410MF07, PC-ABS, PLA, QSR Support, TPU-92A, Printing features: Replaceable extruder, heated build chamber, closed build F5350054 space, two extruders (model & support), printing technology: FDM - Fused Deposition Modelling, number of nozzles: 2, operating hours: approx. 120h, Layer thickness: minimum 0.127mm, Nozzle diameter: T14 (0.3556mm), printing features: Interchangeable Extruder, Heated Build Chamber, Closed Build Chamber, Two Extruders (Model & Support), nozzle diameter: T14 (0.3556mm)
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We are selling a Stratasys F370 on behalf of a customer. Maintenance contract was active until 04/2023. The machine is in very good working condition and comes with many accessories., Stratasys F370 Accessories:, - 9 Build Trays, - 1 role QSR Support, - 1 roll ABS black, - 8 printheads (2 installed), - 4x lye powder for washing out the support material, - last electrical safety test in 10/2023, network connection: LAN (Ethernet), WiFi, software: GrabCad Print (Download), Insight Software License, Installation space (x,y,z): 355 x 254 x 355, operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64 bit only), Windows 11 at least 4 GB RAM, building material: ABS-CF10, ABS-ESD7™, ABS-M30, ASA, Diran™ 410MF07, PC-ABS, PLA, QSR Support, TPU-92A, Printing features: Replaceable extruder, heated build chamber, closed build F5350054 space, two extruders (model F5350054 & support), printing technology: FDM - Fused Deposition Modelling, number of nozzles: 2, operating hours: approx. 120h, Layer thickness: minimum 0.127mm, Nozzle diameter: T14 (0.3556mm), printing features: Interchangeable Extruder, Heated Build Chamber, Closed Build Chamber, Two Extruders (Model & Support), nozzle diameter: T14 (0.3556mm)
seller offer No. resale 625-2024-fdm
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Firma Lars Holfort

пан Lars Holfort
40627 Düsseldorf

RESALE член з 2017

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більше Stratasys F370 + similar Stratasys-Модель


Ціна: sold Stratasys F370 + подібні Stratasys-Модель

2020 STRATASYSF370 28455 EUR [Oct 2023]