Шліфувальна машина STANEXIM SMG 405 GF3

металообробні станки / зуборізні і черв'ячні машини

Виробник: STANEXIM

Модель:SMG 405 GF3

Тип техніки: Шліфувальна машина

Номер позиції: 156364828

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина ab Werksstandort,unter Strom


Машина в наявності:Так


max. wheel diameter: 400 mm
gear width: 200 mm
max. module: 10
min. module: 1
profile depth: 25 mm
x-axis: 630 mm
y-axis: 400 mm
z-axis: 190 mm
U-axis: 80 mm
a- axis: 360 °
b-axis: +/- 30 °
max.helical angle: 30 °
grinding wheel diameter: 250 - 350 mm
spindle speeds (infinitely variable): 1500 - 2800 U/min
grinding slide feeds: 6000 mm/min
center distance betw. workpiece-tool min/max.:
pitch max.: 9000 mm
pitch min.: 10 mm
electrics - voltage/frequency: 380 / 50 V/Hz
total power requirement: 38 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 9,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,2 x 2,6 x 2,8 m
horizontal Profil Gear Grinding Machine for Spur and Helical External Gears.
Machine can be used with Abrasive Electrocorundum Wheels or with CBN or Elbor
Wheels. Equipped with:
- CNC Control FANUC 0i-MF
-- for 6 Controlled Axis (4 simultaneously)
- Gear K5344297 Measuring System
- Chip and Sludge Removal System
- Paper Band Filter and magnetic Seperator
- Swivel Reducer
- Dressing Device
- Tailstock with pneumatic clamping
- Accurcy according to GOST 1643-81: 5 / DIN 5-6

SIEMENS control can be offered as an option

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. wheel diameter: 400 mm
gear width: 200 mm
max. module: 10
min. module: 1
profile depth: 25 mm
x-axis: 630 mm
y-axis: 400 mm
z-axis: 190 mm
U-axis: 80 mm
a- axis: 360 °
b-axis: +/- 30 °
max.helical angle: 30 °
grinding wheel diameter: 250 - 350 mm
spindle speeds (infinitely variable): 1500 - 2800 U/min
grinding slide feeds: 6000 mm/min
center distance betw. workpiece-tool min/max.:
pitch max.: 9000 mm
pitch min.: 10 mm
electrics - voltage/frequency: 380 / 50 V/Hz
total power requirement: 38 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 9,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,2 x 2,6 x 2,8 m
horizontal Profil Gear Grinding Machine for Spur and Helical External Gears.
Machine can be used with Abrasive Electrocorundum Wheels or with CBN or Elbor
Wheels. Equipped with:
- CNC Control FANUC 0i-MF
-- for 6 Controlled Axis (4 simultaneously)
- Gear K5344297 Measuring System
- K5344297 Chip and Sludge Removal System
- Paper Band Filter and magnetic Seperator
- Swivel Reducer
- Dressing Device
- Tailstock with pneumatic clamping
- Accurcy according to GOST 1643-81: 5 / DIN 5-6

SIEMENS control can be offered as an option

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1020-16587
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40789 Monheim am Rhein

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