Затискний стіл SIEGMUND 28, EXTREME 8.7 - SET 3

металообробні станки / зварювальні станки

Виробник: SIEGMUND

Модель:28, EXTREME 8.7 - SET 3

Тип техніки: Затискний стіл

Номер позиції: 157360997

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Ahaus


Машина в наявності:Так


table length: 2400 mm
table width: 1200 mm
table height (lateral area): 200 mm
weight: 1069 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2400 x 1200 mm
Siegmund authorized dealer
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The welding tables are provided with a scale as standard.
Special set - including 28 tool set 3

Plasma nitrided version:
- Protection against rust / scratches / weld spatter adhesion
- more corrosion-resistant / higher load capacity

- 28 hole pattern / dimensions 2400 x 1200 x 200 mm
- Plasma nitrided Extreme 8.7 version with scale
- Including 4x basic equipment

- incl. 28 tool set 3:
+ 10x 280610.N clamp
+ 6x 280630.N clamp
+ 4x 280648.1.N prism
+ 24x 280510 A5316625 bolts
+ 4x 280740 magnetic bolts
+ 8x 280410.N stop
+ 8x 280420.N stop
+ 6x 280110.N angle
+ 2x 280152.N angle
+ 2x 280162.N angle
+ 1x 280166 + 67.N angle
+ 1x 283999 accessory set

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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table length: 2400 mm
table width: 1200 mm
table height (lateral area): 200 mm
weight: 1069 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2400 x 1200 mm
Siegmund authorized dealer
all articles available!

The welding tables are provided with a scale as standard.
Special set - including 28 tool set 3

Plasma nitrided version:
- Protection against rust / scratches / weld spatter adhesion
- more corrosion-resistant / higher load capacity

- 28 hole pattern / dimensions 2400 x 1200 x 200 mm
- Plasma nitrided Extreme 8.7 version with scale
- Including 4x basic equipment

- incl. 28 tool set 3:
+ 10x 280610.N clamp
+ 6x 280630.N clamp
+ 4x 280648.1.N prism
+ 24x 280510 A5316625 bolts
+ 4x 280740 magnetic A5316625 bolts
+ 8x 280410.N stop
+ 8x 280420.N stop
+ 6x 280110.N angle
+ 2x 280152.N angle
+ 2x 280162.N angle
+ 1x 280166 + 67.N angle
+ 1x 283999 accessory set

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8531694
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logo dealer

A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

пан Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE член з 2014

  • список машин (518)


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Ціна: sold SIEGMUND 28, EXTREME 8.7 - SET 3 + подібні SIEGMUND-Модель

SIEGMUNDProfessional Extreme 8.7 1836 EUR [Sep 2018]