Верхній токарний верстат ZMM C 10 T.10

металообробні станки / токарні верстати

Виробник: ZMM

Модель:C 10 T.10

Тип техніки: Верхній токарний верстат

Номер позиції: 166388510

Кількість: 1

Дата: 16.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-at Австрія

Ціна: 102,960 EUR

Машина в наявності:Так


: neu
: ca. 4 Monate ab Auftragse
: Bulgarien
: 102960 €
: 2048.9 €
: 800 mm
: 2000 mm
: 400 mm
: 260 mm
: 560 mm
: 560 mm
: 318 M
: 12
: 8 - 400 1/min
: 152
: 0.039 - 15 mm/U
: 0.02 - 7.5 mm/U
: 76
: 0.5 - 150 mm
: 60 - 1/5 Gänge/
: 0.125 - 37.5
: 240 - 4/5
: 410 mm
: 150 mm
: 105 mm
: 6 MK
: 225 mm
: 11 kW
: 6000 kg
Their main purpose is to process pipes. Accordingly, this type of machines is widely used in the oil industry.
Oil country lathes have large capabilities of processing inner and outer cylindrical and conical threads on pipes with large diameters.
The clamping of the pipes with two universals and stands allows the processing of long pipes.
These lathes are suitable for producing elements and equipment for the oil industry, as well as for maintaining such facilities.

Drive via gearbox
Electrodynamic brake
3-axis digital display Fagor
Quick-change tool holder Amestra type C, system like Multifix including 4 holders (3x rectangular, 1 round)
2 pcs. 3-jaw chuck Bison 3295 Dm. 500 mm on both sides of the spindle,
gripping range 120-350 mm. Option: hard top jaws with gripping range 120-500 mm
2 pcs. steady rests on supports Dm. 60 - 260 mm with rollers
Rapid traverses (4)
Longitudinal stop for one position
Taper turning device
Coolant device
Full length rear splash H531606 guard
Lead and feed spindle cover
Lathe chuck protection
Tool holder protection
Leveling bolts and plates
Reducing sleeve for the tailstock sleeve
Mechanical movement of the tailstock with handwheel
Low voltage machine light
Operating instructions
Equipment according to ",CE", regulations

Further models with spindle bore from 155 to 358 mm, centre distances from 1000 to 6000 mm and with turning diameters from 730 to 1020 mm are available on request.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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: neu
: ca. 4 Monate ab Auftragse
: Bulgarien
: 102960 €
: 2048.9 €
: 800 mm
: 2000 mm
: 400 mm
: 260 mm
: 560 mm
: 560 mm
: 318 M
: 12
: 8 - 400 1/min
: 152
: 0.039 - 15 mm/U
: 0.02 - 7.5 mm/U
: 76
: 0.5 - 150 mm
: 60 - 1/5 Gänge/
: 0.125 - 37.5
: 240 - 4/5
: 410 mm
: 150 mm
: 105 mm
: 6 MK
: 225 mm
: 11 kW
: 6000 kg
Their main purpose is to process pipes. Accordingly, this type of machines is widely used in the oil industry.
Oil country lathes have large capabilities of processing inner and outer cylindrical and conical threads on pipes with large diameters.
The clamping of the pipes with two universals and stands allows the processing of long pipes.
These lathes are suitable for producing elements and equipment for the oil industry, as well as for maintaining such facilities.

Drive via gearbox
Electrodynamic brake
3-axis digital display Fagor
Quick-change tool holder Amestra type C, system like Multifix including 4 holders (3x rectangular, 1 round)
2 pcs. 3-jaw chuck Bison 3295 Dm. 500 mm on both sides of the spindle,
gripping range 120-350 mm. Option: hard top jaws with gripping range 120-500 mm
2 pcs. steady rests on supports Dm. 60 - 260 mm with rollers
Rapid traverses (4)
Longitudinal stop for one position
Taper turning device
Coolant device
Full length rear splash H531606 guard
Lead and feed H531606 spindle cover
Lathe chuck protection
Tool holder protection
Leveling bolts and plates
Reducing sleeve for the tailstock sleeve
Mechanical movement of the tailstock with handwheel
Low voltage machine light
Operating instructions
Equipment according to ",CE", regulations

Further models with spindle bore from 155 to 358 mm, centre distances from 1000 to 6000 mm and with turning diameters from 730 to 1020 mm are available on request.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1069-2351
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пан Michael Lechner
2355 Wiener Neudorf

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