Координатно-вимірювальна машина ШММ SHIN NIPPON KOKI MM 2500-5012

металообробні станки / інші станки для обробки металів


Модель:MM 2500-5012

Тип техніки: Координатно-вимірювальна машина ШММ

Номер позиції: 164981826

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2009

Місцезнаходження: Land-DE Німеччина



This 3-axis measuring machine was manufactured in 2009. The SHIN NIPPON KOKI MM 2500-5012 offers expansive dimensions and capabilities, with an effective distance between columns of 3500mm and axis movements of 5000mm on the x-axis, 2500mm on the y-axis, and 1200mm on the z-axis. It features a maximum feed rate of 10,000 mm/min, supported by AC servo motors, ensuring precise and rapid positioning. The expansive measuring range G5349640 makes the SHIN NIPPON KOKI MM 2500-5012 machine we have for sale ideal for large-scale precision measurements. For more information on this highly capable machine, please contact us today.
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This 3-axis measuring machine was manufactured in 2009. The SHIN NIPPON KOKI MM 2500-5012 offers expansive dimensions and capabilities, with an effective distance between columns of 3500mm and axis movements of 5000mm on the x-axis, 2500mm on the y-axis, and 1200mm on the z-axis. It features a maximum feed rate of 10,000 mm/min, supported by AC servo motors, ensuring precise and rapid positioning. The expansive measuring range G5349640 makes the SHIN NIPPON KOKI MM G5349640 2500-5012 machine we have for sale ideal for large-scale precision measurements. For more information on this highly capable machine, please contact us today.
seller offer No. resale DE-MEA-SHI-2009-00001
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пан Borja Garcia
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