Вертикальні центри обробки з ЧПУ POSMILL CE 1000

металообробні станки / розточувальні верстати і обробні центри / Вертикальні центри обробки з ЧПУ

Виробник: POSMILL

Модель:CE 1000

Тип техніки: Вертикальні центри обробки з ЧПУ

Номер позиції: 165963468

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2018

Місцезнаходження: Bremen


Машина в наявності:Так


x-travel: 1060 mm
y-travel: 600 mm
z-travel: 600 mm
table surface area: 1.200 x 600 mm
control: Heidenhain ITNC 530
rapid traverse: 32 m/min
table load: 0,75 t
turning speed range: 10.000 U/min
power capacity - milling spindle: kW
max. torque on the spindle: Nm
no. of tools in the magazine: 40 Stück
tool taper: SK 40
internal coolant system feed: 20 bar
weight of the machine ca.: 7,8 t
dimensions: m
CNC- vertical machining centre with internal coolant.

- coolant through the spindel
- chip conveyor
- rigid tapping
- air through the spindel
- K5327280 absolute scales
- band filter system
- side windows for long components
- 3D touch probe
- spindle on time: 4362 h
- external hand wheel

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 1060 mm
y-travel: 600 mm
z-travel: 600 mm
table surface area: 1.200 x 600 mm
control: Heidenhain ITNC 530
rapid traverse: 32 m/min
table load: 0,75 t
turning speed range: 10.000 U/min
power capacity - milling spindle: kW
max. torque on the spindle: Nm
no. of tools in the magazine: 40 Stück
tool taper: SK 40
internal coolant system feed: 20 bar
weight of the machine ca.: 7,8 t
dimensions: m
CNC- vertical machining centre with internal coolant.

- coolant through the spindel
- chip conveyor
- rigid tapping
- air through the spindel
- K5327280 absolute scales
- band K5327280 filter system
- side windows for long components
- 3D touch probe
- spindle on time: 4362 h
- external hand wheel

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1021-45411
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Klaus Rosenboom GmbH

пан Axel Schulz
28307 Bremen

RESALE член з 2014


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