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travel -x axis: 1.100 mm travel -y axis: 610 mm travel -z axis: 610 mm table dimension (L x W): 1.250 x 610 mm tool adaptor: SK40 numbers of positions in the tool changer: 30 table diameter: 250 mm Milling machining centers - vertical | MTcut - V 110 T with NC swivel rotary table (TT251HEE08) The machine is in a well-maintained condition. Please refer to further technical details in the attachement of the offer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #Tags: #Tags: V110T | V-110 T | V-110T | V 110T | V110 The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
This 3-axis MTcut V85H vertical machining centre was manufactured in 2013. It features a robust work table measuring 1000 x 520 mm with a maximum load capacity of 800 kg. The spindle operates at speeds ranging from 60 to 15,000 rpm, accommodating tools up to 80 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length. With 24 tool positions and a feed rate of up to 12,000 mm/min, the MTcut V85H machine we have for sale is ideal for diverse machining tasks. Contact us for further details.
This 3-axis MTcut V85 was manufactured in 2015 and features a robust vertical machining center design. It includes a spindle time of 6315 hours and travels of X: 850mm, Y: 520mm, Z: 610mm. Equipped with a magnetic plate, 3D infrared sensor, and SK40 tool holder, this machine weighs 6800 kg. A great opportunity to buy this MTcut V85 vertical machining center. Contact us for further details regarding this vertical machining center.
This 3-axis MTcut V110T was manufactured in 2008. A robust vertical machining center featuring a 10000 rpm spindle and extensive travels of X: 1100 mm, Y: 610 mm, and Z: 610 mm. It includes a digital 3D probe and a magnetic plate, enhancing its versatility. Ideal for those looking to buy this MTcut V110T vertical machining center. Contact us for further details regarding this vertical machining center.
This 3-axis MTcut V110H was manufactured in 2009. A robust vertical machining center featuring a 15000 rpm spindle and large travels of X: 1100 mm, Y: 610 mm, and Z: 610 mm. The machine table measures 1250 x 610 mm, supporting diverse machining tasks. Ideal for those looking to buy this MTcut V110H vertical machining center. Contact us for further details regarding this vertical machining center.
MTcut UE110-5A - 5-осьовий обробний центр - Контролер Heidenhain iTNC 530 SmarT.NC HSCI - Пристрій для зміни інструменту в 40 разів - Поворотний стіл 610 мм - Екстракція масляного туману - Гідравлічні лещата з підйомом - Центральний затискач - Тримачі для інструментів -Шафа для інструментів -Фреза -Магнітний диск - Solid CAM з iMachining, з постпроцесором - Пристрій оптичного попереднього налаштування Halmer - Шпи ...
MTrent MTcut MV 110 H, Рік побудови 2017, Управління Heidenhain iTNC 640, Хід X/Y/Z 1100/610/610 мм, Пристрій для зміни інструменту 32-х ступінчастий, Монтаж HSK 63, Частота обертання шпинделя до 18 000 об/хв, Розмір столу 1200 х 610 мм, Охолодження шпинделя, Зонд Heidenhain TS 460, ІКЗ 40 бар, Система стрічкових фільтрів, електр. Маховик Конвеєр