Токарно-гвинторізні верстати для поздовжнього і поперечного точіння OPTIMUM OPTIturn TH 3309D

металообробні станки / токарні верстати / Токарно-гвинторізні верстати для поздовжнього і поперечного точіння

Виробник: OPTIMUM

Модель:OPTIturn TH 3309D

Тип техніки: Токарно-гвинторізні верстати для поздовжнього і поперечного точіння

Номер позиції: 166046558

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: 49779 Niederlangen


Машина в наявності:Так


turning diameter: 330 mm
turning length: 830 mm
swing diameter over bed slide: 196 mm
Swingdiameter in the bed bridge: 170
centre height: 165 mm
centre distance: 830 mm
Turning length in the bed bridge: 430
reus: 16 (70-2000) U/min
tail stock: MK 3
quill stroke: 110 mm
diameter of quill: 32 mm
spindle taper: DIN ISO 702-2 Nr. 4
spindle bore: 38 mm
spindle cone: MK 5
feed: längs 32 / 0,052 1,392 m/min
feed: plan 3,2 / 0,014 0,38 m/min
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,52 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,7 x 0,75 x 1,6 m
Fully equipped leading and tension spindle lathes. TH 3309D with
digital position indicator DPA 21/3402040

- Hardened and ground Z-axis guideway
- Spindle mount Camlock DIN ISO 702-2 No. 4
- Precisely crafted slide
- Handwheels with adjustable fine scale 0.04 / 0.02 mm
- Quadruple steel holder
- All guides can be adjusted using V-ledges
- Main spindle running in an oil bath
- Gear wheels run smoothly, hardened and ground
- Upper slide adjustment range ± 90 °
- Guaranteed concentricity of the spindle nose better than 0.015 mm
- Handwheels decoupled and tested according to EN 23125
- Safety handwheels with push-out function in the X and Z axes
- Two-channel right-left switch tested according to EN 23125
- DC 24 volt electrical system with two-channel safety circuit according to EN
- Lathe chuck protection tested according to EN 23125
- Switch with life cycle calculation, tested according to EN ISO 13849
- Lockable main switch
- Clockwise / counterclockwise rotation on the bed slide switchable
- Lead screw cover
- Tailstock for taper turning adjustable ± 10 mm
- Tailstock quill and handwheel with adjustable fine scale 0.02 mm
- Quick, easy and tool-free adjustment using a clamping lever
- Heavily ribbed prism bed, inductively hardened and precision ground
- Machine base with tool compartment on the right-hand side (left-hand side
with 3
Bezels (no H5351851 compartments)
- Pull-out chip tray with guide rails
- Emergency stop device with foot actuation
- LED machine lamp integrated in the chip guard

Digital position indicator DPA 21
- User-friendly membrane keyboard, splash-proof, closed
and glare-free
- glass rulers

scope of delivery
- Fixed steady rest passage Ø 6 - Ø 50 mm
- Moving steady rest passage Ø 8 - Ø 30 mm
- LED machine light
- Reduction sleeve MK 5 / MK 3
- Two fixed centering points MK 3
- Quadruple steel holder 16 mm
- Change gears set
- machine base
- Initial machine filling with quality oil
- operating tool

Including special accessories OPTIMUM three-jaw lathe chuck, centric clamping
Ø 200 mm Camlock DIN ISO 702-2 No. 4/3442762

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter: 330 mm
turning length: 830 mm
swing diameter over bed slide: 196 mm
Swingdiameter in the bed bridge: 170
centre height: 165 mm
centre distance: 830 mm
Turning length in the bed bridge: 430
reus: 16 (70-2000) U/min
tail stock: MK 3
quill stroke: 110 mm
diameter of quill: 32 mm
spindle taper: DIN ISO 702-2 Nr. 4
spindle bore: 38 mm
spindle cone: MK 5
feed: längs 32 / 0,052 1,392 m/min
feed: plan 3,2 / 0,014 0,38 m/min
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,52 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,7 x 0,75 x 1,6 m
Fully equipped leading and tension spindle lathes. TH 3309D with
digital position indicator DPA 21/3402040

- Hardened and ground Z-axis guideway
- Spindle mount Camlock DIN ISO 702-2 No. 4
- Precisely crafted slide
- Handwheels with adjustable fine scale 0.04 / 0.02 mm
- Quadruple steel holder
- All guides can be adjusted using V-ledges
- Main spindle running in an oil bath
- Gear wheels run smoothly, hardened and ground
- Upper slide adjustment range ± 90 °
- Guaranteed concentricity of the spindle nose better than 0.015 mm
- Handwheels decoupled and tested according to EN 23125
- Safety handwheels with push-out function in the X and Z axes
- Two-channel right-left switch tested according to EN 23125
- DC 24 volt electrical system with two-channel safety circuit according to EN
- Lathe chuck protection tested according to EN 23125
- Switch with life cycle calculation, tested according to EN ISO 13849
- Lockable main switch
- Clockwise / counterclockwise rotation on the bed slide switchable
- Lead screw cover
- Tailstock for taper turning adjustable ± 10 mm
- Tailstock quill and handwheel with adjustable fine scale 0.02 mm
- Quick, easy and tool-free adjustment using a clamping lever
- Heavily ribbed prism bed, inductively hardened and precision ground
- Machine base with tool compartment on the right-hand side (left-hand side
with 3
Bezels (no H5351851 compartments)
- Pull-out chip H5351851 tray with guide rails
- Emergency stop device with foot actuation
- LED machine lamp integrated in the chip guard

Digital position indicator DPA 21
- User-friendly membrane keyboard, splash-proof, closed
and glare-free
- glass rulers

scope of delivery
- Fixed steady rest passage Ø 6 - Ø 50 mm
- Moving steady rest passage Ø 8 - Ø 30 mm
- LED machine light
- Reduction sleeve MK 5 / MK 3
- Two fixed centering points MK 3
- Quadruple steel holder 16 mm
- Change gears set
- machine base
- Initial machine filling with quality oil
- operating tool

Including special accessories OPTIMUM three-jaw lathe chuck, centric clamping
Ø 200 mm Camlock DIN ISO 702-2 No. 4/3442762

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-7375
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logo dealer

Heinz Sanders GmbH

пан J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

RESALE член з 2018

  • список машин (246)


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