Машини для різання струменем води MICROSTEP AquaCut 4001.20W

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Модель:AquaCut 4001.20W

Тип техніки: Машини для різання струменем води

Номер позиції: 166046572

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2018

Місцезнаходження: 26219 Petersdorf


Машина в наявності:Так


x-travel: 4000 mm
y-travel: 2000 mm
z-travel: mm
: 4000 bar
total power requirement: 35 kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
MicroStep CNC water jet cutting system AquaCut-W 4001.20
with the following features:
• BFT high pressure pump ECOTRON ® 40.37
• Desludging system (scraper conveyor) for a length of 4,000 mm
• Water softening using water chemistry
1. MicroStep CNC guide machine AquaCut-W 4001.20 (4,000 x 2,000 mm}
MicroStep® machine control with MML console and 24 touchscreen
Two LCD operating units on the portal
Laser pointer with automatic offset transmission
iMSNC® module / expert system
iMSNC® module / assistant for service and maintenance work
iMSNC® module / assistant for loading CNC programs
iMSNC ® module / automatic calibration of mechanical scanning
iMSNC® module / management of cutting programs (MRP}
iMSNC® module / Ecolnfo
iMSNC® module / machine info
iMSNC® module / user management
AsperWin Basic programming system for programming directly on the
Machine control
AsperWin Select macro library module
Mod ul NC simulator AsperWin NC-Sim
2. USB 3.0 connection option for storage medium
3. Remote maintenance module MicroStep RemoteDiagnostics®
Remote maintenance access through TeamViewer
4. Water jet cutting table with grate support / 4,000 x 2,000 mm
Working area
5. Automatic height control for the water jet cutting head
6. BFT high pressure pump ECOTRON ® 40.37
7. Automatic pump control
8. Allfi® cutting head type IV (1 piece)
9. Allfi® abrasive head CENTERLINE type II Long Life (1 piece)
10. Allfi® abrasive dosing system
11. Allfi® abrasive H5351851 conveyor system type II
12. Automatic abrasive dosing via the CNC control
13. High pressure installation material for connecting the high pressure pump to
the existing water network
14. Error messages via SMS via the iMSNC control
15. GSM modem for the iMSNC control
16. Double-sided rope protection (collision protection) over the portal bridge
Emergency stop switch
17. Desludging plant (scraper conveyor) for a length of 4,000 mm
18. Water stabilization by means of a metering device and addition of
Water chemistry
19. Water chemistry WI N2054Si
20. CAM software AsperWin Basic for programming

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 4000 mm
y-travel: 2000 mm
z-travel: mm
: 4000 bar
total power requirement: 35 kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
MicroStep CNC water jet cutting system AquaCut-W 4001.20
with the following features:
• BFT high pressure pump ECOTRON ® 40.37
• Desludging system (scraper conveyor) for a length of 4,000 mm
• Water softening using water chemistry
1. MicroStep CNC guide machine AquaCut-W 4001.20 (4,000 x 2,000 mm}
MicroStep® machine control with MML console and 24 touchscreen
Two LCD operating units on the portal
Laser pointer with automatic offset transmission
iMSNC® module / expert system
iMSNC® module / assistant for service and maintenance work
iMSNC® module / assistant for loading CNC programs
iMSNC ® module / automatic calibration of mechanical scanning
iMSNC® module / management of cutting programs (MRP}
iMSNC® module / Ecolnfo
iMSNC® module / machine info
iMSNC® module / user management
AsperWin Basic programming system for programming directly on the
Machine control
AsperWin Select macro library module
Mod ul NC simulator AsperWin NC-Sim
2. USB 3.0 connection option for storage medium
3. Remote maintenance module MicroStep RemoteDiagnostics®
Remote maintenance access through TeamViewer
4. Water jet cutting table with grate support / 4,000 x 2,000 mm
Working area
5. Automatic height control for the water jet cutting head
6. BFT high pressure pump ECOTRON ® 40.37
7. Automatic pump control
8. Allfi® cutting head type IV (1 piece)
9. Allfi® abrasive head CENTERLINE type II Long Life (1 piece)
10. Allfi® abrasive dosing system
11. Allfi® abrasive H5351851 conveyor system type H5351851 II
12. Automatic abrasive dosing via the CNC control
13. High pressure installation material for connecting the high pressure pump to
the existing water network
14. Error messages via SMS via the iMSNC control
15. GSM modem for the iMSNC control
16. Double-sided rope protection (collision protection) over the portal bridge
Emergency stop switch
17. Desludging plant (scraper conveyor) for a length of 4,000 mm
18. Water stabilization by means of a metering device and addition of
Water chemistry
19. Water chemistry WI N2054Si
20. CAM software AsperWin Basic for programming

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-7341
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

пан J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

RESALE член з 2018

  • список машин (246)


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