Багатоцільові токарні верстати з ЧПУ TRAUB TNA 700 Flex

металообробні станки / токарні верстати / Багатоцільові токарні верстати з ЧПУ

Виробник: TRAUB

Модель:TNA 700 Flex

Тип техніки: Багатоцільові токарні верстати з ЧПУ

Номер позиції: 164435670

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2006

Місцезнаходження: Deutschland


Машина в наявності:Так


turning diameter: 700 mm
turning length: 1250 mm
control: TX8_i
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 15 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,0 x 2,5 x 2,2 m
CNC control TX8_i
9 CNC axes (X1, X2, Z1, Z2, Y1, B1, B2, C1, C2)
Software functions:
Tool life monitoring,
Polyform, 3D-Helical IP, synchronous threads without L compensation,
WOP Traub Win_Flex IPS incl. Mouse,
MAIN SPINDLE (direct drive, adjustable hollow shaft motor)
Spindle connection A-11 > DIN 55026/ 55021
Alignment and switching device
Hollow clamping cylinder > spindle passage max. 102 mm speed max. 3,000 rpm
Front bearing dm170 mm
Drive power 100/40% ED 53 / 68 kW, torque 675 / 900 Nm
C-axis resolution 0.001 °
Spindle locking for extreme roughing work 2.5 °
Counter spindle (direct drive, adjustable hollow shaft motor)
Spindle connection A-11 > DIN 55026/ 55021
Alignment and switching device
Full clamping cylinder SINS-140 > Spindle passage max. 102 mm Speed max.
3,000 1/min
Drive power 53 KW
Front bearing dm170 mm
Power 100/40% ED 53 / 68 kW Torque 675 / 900 Nm
C-axis resolution 0.001 °
(X1, Z1, Y1, B1, B2, C1, C2)
All stations with milling drive
Driven speed Tools 6,000 rpm, torque 35 Nm
X-axis travel (glass scale) 320 mm
Z-axis travel (encoder) 1,250 mm
Rapid traverse X/Z 15 / 30 m/min
Feed force X 12 / Z 15 KN
Ball screw Ø in X-axis 40 mm
Ball screw Ø in Z-axis 50 mm
10-way TOOL CARRIER Below
(X2, Z2, B2, C1, C2)
All stations with milling drive
Driven speed Tools 6,000 rpm, torque 35 Nm
Working path X-axis (glass scale) 212 mm
Working path Z-axis (encoder) 1,250 mm
Rapid traverse speed X/Z 20/ 40 m/min
Feed force X 8.6 / Z 14 KN
Tool holder system DIN K53523 69880-40x63
Ball screw Ø in X-axis 40 mm
Ball screw Ø in Z-axis 50 mm
Dimensions: L=6,000mm, D=2,500mm, H=2,200mm
Weight 15 t
Automatic sliding door with protective strip, hydraulic. Activated
Clamping device flushing function from the outside
2 3-jaw chucks dm 315mm on main and counter spindle
High-pressure flushing and fine filter
Oil mist extraction and filter system SH 2000 PEV
Hinge belt chip conveyor
WZG package
5 pcs. WZG holders HSK-63 for milling spindle,
3 pcs. fixed turning holders VDI-40, for each turret,
2 pcs. AGWs Axial VDI-40, for each turret,
2 pcs. AGWs Radial VDI-40, for each turret,

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter: 700 mm
turning length: 1250 mm
control: TX8_i
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 15 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,0 x 2,5 x 2,2 m
CNC control TX8_i
9 CNC axes (X1, X2, Z1, Z2, Y1, B1, B2, C1, C2)
Software functions:
Tool life monitoring,
Polyform, 3D-Helical IP, synchronous threads without L compensation,
WOP Traub Win_Flex IPS incl. Mouse,
MAIN SPINDLE (direct drive, adjustable hollow shaft motor)
Spindle connection A-11 > DIN 55026/ 55021
Alignment and switching device
Hollow clamping cylinder > spindle passage max. 102 mm speed max. 3,000 rpm
Front bearing dm170 mm
Drive power 100/40% ED 53 / 68 kW, torque 675 / 900 Nm
C-axis resolution 0.001 °
Spindle locking for extreme roughing work 2.5 °
Counter spindle (direct drive, adjustable hollow shaft motor)
Spindle connection A-11 > DIN 55026/ 55021
Alignment and switching device
Full clamping cylinder SINS-140 > Spindle passage max. 102 mm Speed max.
3,000 1/min
Drive power 53 KW
Front bearing dm170 mm
Power 100/40% ED 53 / 68 kW Torque 675 / 900 Nm
C-axis resolution 0.001 °
(X1, Z1, Y1, B1, B2, C1, C2)
All stations with milling drive
Driven speed Tools 6,000 rpm, torque 35 Nm
X-axis travel (glass scale) 320 mm
Z-axis travel (encoder) 1,250 mm
Rapid traverse X/Z 15 / 30 m/min
Feed force X 12 / Z 15 KN
Ball screw Ø in X-axis 40 mm
Ball screw Ø in Z-axis 50 mm
10-way TOOL CARRIER Below
(X2, Z2, B2, C1, C2)
All stations with milling drive
Driven speed Tools 6,000 rpm, torque 35 Nm
Working path X-axis (glass scale) 212 mm
Working path Z-axis (encoder) 1,250 mm
Rapid traverse speed X/Z 20/ 40 m/min
Feed force X 8.6 / Z 14 KN
Tool holder system DIN K53523 69880-40x63
Ball screw Ø K53523 in X-axis 40 mm
Ball screw Ø in Z-axis 50 mm
Dimensions: L=6,000mm, D=2,500mm, H=2,200mm
Weight 15 t
Automatic sliding door with protective strip, hydraulic. Activated
Clamping device flushing function from the outside
2 3-jaw chucks dm 315mm on main and counter spindle
High-pressure flushing and fine filter
Oil mist extraction and filter system SH 2000 PEV
Hinge belt chip conveyor
WZG package
5 pcs. WZG holders HSK-63 for milling spindle,
3 pcs. fixed turning holders VDI-40, for each turret,
2 pcs. AGWs Axial VDI-40, for each turret,
2 pcs. AGWs Radial VDI-40, for each turret,

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1022-H08970
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Knops Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

пан Gregor Knops
40789 Monheim

RESALE член з 2014

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