Токарний верстат провідний і натяг гвинтовий HUVEMA HU 560 x 1500 NG

металообробні станки / токарні верстати

Виробник: HUVEMA

Модель:HU 560 x 1500 NG

Тип техніки: Токарний верстат провідний і натяг гвинтовий

Номер позиції: 157204568

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2021 нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Ab Auslieferungslager Holland


Машина в наявності:Так


turning diameter over bed: 560 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 355 mm
turning length: 1500 mm
spindle bore: 80 mm
spindle turning speed range: 25 - 1600 U/min
turning dia. in gap: 785 mm
metric threading: 0,2 - 14 mm
thread - inch: 2 - 112 inch.
thread - module: 34 / 0,1 - 7 mm
Whitworth-thread: 60 / 2 - 112 TPI
adjustment of the upper slide: 140 mm
dia. of quill: 130 mm
quill stroke: 120 mm
total power requirement: 7,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 2,3 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,8 x 1,20 x 1,5 m
A comprehensive range of quality centre lathes characterised by wide
versatility,high accuracy and extremely rigid construction. The machines are well equipped
with a multi-fix quick change tool post and 2-axis Newall digital readout fitted
as standard and a variable speed option is available. F5315027 Huvema lathes fully
conform to CE regulations. Also available in: 1,5m

3 jaw chuck
4 jaw chuck
Newall digital readout
European protective cover
fixed and travelling steady
halogen machine light
solid cast iron base

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter over bed: 560 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 355 mm
turning length: 1500 mm
spindle bore: 80 mm
spindle turning speed range: 25 - 1600 U/min
turning dia. in gap: 785 mm
metric threading: 0,2 - 14 mm
thread - inch: 2 - 112 inch.
thread - module: 34 / 0,1 - 7 mm
Whitworth-thread: 60 / 2 - 112 TPI
adjustment of the upper slide: 140 mm
dia. of quill: 130 mm
quill stroke: 120 mm
total power requirement: 7,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 2,3 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,8 x 1,20 x 1,5 m
A comprehensive range of quality centre lathes characterised by wide
versatility,high accuracy and extremely rigid construction. The machines are well equipped
with a multi-fix quick change tool post and 2-axis Newall digital readout fitted
as standard and a variable speed option is available. F5315027 Huvema lathes F5315027 fully
conform to CE regulations. Also available in: 1,5m

3 jaw chuck
4 jaw chuck
Newall digital readout
European protective cover
fixed and travelling steady
halogen machine light
solid cast iron base

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1053-015127
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FEYEN Maschinen GmbH

пан Dieter Feyen
47809 Krefeld

RESALE член з 2013


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