Двостійкові поздовжньо-фрезерні верстати з ЧПУ HEYLIGENSTAEDT Heynumill 2700-PF

металообробні станки / фрезерні станки / Двостійкові поздовжньо-фрезерні верстати з ЧПУ


Модель:Heynumill 2700-PF

Тип техніки: Двостійкові поздовжньо-фрезерні верстати з ЧПУ

Номер позиції: 162430710

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2002

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Deutschland


Машина в наявності:Так


x-travel: 3000 mm
y-travel: 4000 mm
z-travel: 1500 mm
Control: Heidenhain TNC 430 M
total power requirement: 120 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
3/5 axes CNC portal milling machine with integrated C-axis
and changeable milling heads.

The machine had a purchase price of € 1.4 million in 2002.

An inspection in the sellers plant under power is possible after
previous appointment.

The machine was overhauled in 2018, costs of over € 100.000,-.
- Drives of the X-axis renewed
- New hydraulic power unit
- Complete electrical wiring renewed
- Spindle cooling unit new
- 2 pieces longitudinal conveyors new
- Coolant pump new
- Cover complete X-axis new
- Bellows Y-axis new
- Exchange measuring ruler X-axis
- Fork head spindle bearing new
Belleville spring assembly new
Drive motor A-axis new
Spindle cone ground
- Overhaul milling gear (2020)

Working range
X-axis 3000 mm
Y-axis 4000 mm
Z-axis 1500 mm

Max. column passage 2700 mm

Max. Distance between work table and spindle nose:
Lower edge of ram interface min./max. 660 mm / 2160 mm

Workpiece table
Length 3000 mm
Width 2000 mm
Load 4 t/m²
T-slots 28 H8

Rapid traverse
X-axis 15000 mm/min
Y-axis 15000 mm/min
Z-axis 15000 mm/min

CNC control Heidenhain TNC K53523 430 M

Milling heads:

Straight milling head type FK 120/450
Outside diameter 280 mm
Tool holder SK 50
power max. 67 kW
max. speed 5000 rpm
Coolant supply through the spindle, via adjustable nozzles

1-axis fork-type milling head type FK 100/2D
tool holder SK50
power max. 67 kW
max. speed 4000 rpm
swiveling range A/B axis +105°/-95°
Coolant supply via adjustable nozzles

Coolant tank 1.000 l
Chip conveyor system
Change head station

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 3000 mm
y-travel: 4000 mm
z-travel: 1500 mm
Control: Heidenhain TNC 430 M
total power requirement: 120 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
3/5 axes CNC portal milling machine with integrated C-axis
and changeable milling heads.

The machine had a purchase price of € 1.4 million in 2002.

An inspection in the sellers plant under power is possible after
previous appointment.

The machine was overhauled in 2018, costs of over € 100.000,-.
- Drives of the X-axis renewed
- New hydraulic power unit
- Complete electrical wiring renewed
- Spindle cooling unit new
- 2 pieces longitudinal conveyors new
- Coolant pump new
- Cover complete X-axis new
- Bellows Y-axis new
- Exchange measuring ruler X-axis
- Fork head spindle bearing new
Belleville spring assembly new
Drive motor A-axis new
Spindle cone ground
- Overhaul milling gear (2020)

Working range
X-axis 3000 mm
Y-axis 4000 mm
Z-axis 1500 mm

Max. column passage 2700 mm

Max. Distance between work table and spindle nose:
Lower edge of ram interface min./max. 660 mm / 2160 mm

Workpiece table
Length 3000 mm
Width 2000 mm
Load 4 t/m²
T-slots 28 H8

Rapid traverse
X-axis 15000 mm/min
Y-axis 15000 mm/min
Z-axis 15000 mm/min

CNC control Heidenhain TNC K53523 430 M

Milling K53523 heads:

Straight milling head type FK 120/450
Outside diameter 280 mm
Tool holder SK 50
power max. 67 kW
max. speed 5000 rpm
Coolant supply through the spindle, via adjustable nozzles

1-axis fork-type milling head type FK 100/2D
tool holder SK50
power max. 67 kW
max. speed 4000 rpm
swiveling range A/B axis +105°/-95°
Coolant supply via adjustable nozzles

Coolant tank 1.000 l
Chip conveyor system
Change head station

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1022-E06190
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Knops Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

пан Gregor Knops
40789 Monheim

RESALE член з 2014

  • список машин (78)


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більше HEYLIGENSTAEDT Heynumill 2700-PF + similar HEYLIGENSTAEDT-Модель

2002 HEYLIGENSTAEDTHeynumill 2700-PF

Ціна: sold HEYLIGENSTAEDT Heynumill 2700-PF + подібні HEYLIGENSTAEDT-Модель

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