Торцювання HBM 305 x 108

деревообробні станки / пили деревообробні / Торцювання

Виробник: HBM

Модель:305 x 108

Тип техніки: Торцювання

Номер позиції: 158651088

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина 46342 Velen


Машина в наявності:Так


saw-blade dia.: 305 mm
Cutting height: 105 x 340 mm
Cutting height at 45°: 60 x 340 mm
saw blade turning speeds: 5000 U/min
Motor output: 2,0 kW
machine weight ab.: 25 kg
Dimensions (L/W/H): 700 x 570 x 980 mm
Cross-cut saw
The machine is equipped with many adjustment options and tools to support and
secure the workpiece to be cut.
A line laser indicates where the cut should be made.
The protective cover folds away automatically.
Delivery W5329549 including:
saw blade (installed)
6mm allen key
2x side supports

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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saw-blade dia.: 305 mm
Cutting height: 105 x 340 mm
Cutting height at 45°: 60 x 340 mm
saw blade turning speeds: 5000 U/min
Motor output: 2,0 kW
machine weight ab.: 25 kg
Dimensions (L/W/H): 700 x 570 x 980 mm
Cross-cut saw
The machine is equipped with many adjustment options and tools to support and
secure the workpiece to be cut.
A line laser indicates where the cut should be made.
The protective cover folds away automatically.
Delivery W5329549 including:
saw blade W5329549 (installed)
6mm allen key
2x side supports

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-85121
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

пан Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

RESALE член з 2010

  • список машин (812)


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більше HBM 305 x 108 + similar HBM-Модель
