Машини для полірування GERD WOLFF VKT 2200

металообробні станки / шліфувальні станки / Машини для полірування

Виробник: GERD WOLFF

Модель:VKT 2200

Тип техніки: Машини для полірування

Номер позиції: 161841201

Кількість: 1

Дата: 08.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2023 нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина


Машина в наявності:Так


weight: 2600 kg
height: 1550 mm
0: 2197 l
length: 3800 mm
revolutions per minute: 1500 U/min
voltage: 380/50 V/Hz
engine output: 2 x 7 kW
The VKT 2200 is a linear vibratory finishing machine and is used for the
surface treatment of parts made of all types of metallic and non-metallic

The machines in this series are generally used for long and large-volume parts.

With the help of movable partitions in the machine, sensitive parts can be
processed without being damaged by friction from other parts.

Optional accessories

- Pneumatic sound insulation hood

- Speed control

- Dosing pump

- Magnetic valve

- Electrical control panel stand

- Rinsing water pipe system

The pictures are for orientation only. The optional A5325483 accessories can be
surcharge. Gerd Wolff reserves the right to change the colour and technical
data of the machines.

The VKT 500 is manufactured for our sales brand GERD WOLLF Maschinenfabrik,
by a renowned manufacturer from Türkiye.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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weight: 2600 kg
height: 1550 mm
0: 2197 l
length: 3800 mm
revolutions per minute: 1500 U/min
voltage: 380/50 V/Hz
engine output: 2 x 7 kW
The VKT 2200 is a linear vibratory finishing machine and is used for the
surface treatment of parts made of all types of metallic and non-metallic

The machines in this series are generally used for long and large-volume parts.

With the help of movable partitions in the machine, sensitive parts can be
processed without being damaged by friction from other parts.

Optional accessories

- Pneumatic sound insulation hood

- Speed control

- Dosing pump

- Magnetic valve

- Electrical control panel stand

- Rinsing water pipe system

The pictures are for orientation only. The optional A5325483 accessories can be A5325483
surcharge. Gerd Wolff reserves the right to change the colour and technical
data of the machines.

The VKT 500 is manufactured for our sales brand GERD WOLLF Maschinenfabrik,
by a renowned manufacturer from Türkiye.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2065-H1161
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