Перфорація листового металу, вирубка і формувальні TRUMPF TRUMATIC 6000 L - 1300

металообробні станки / обробка листового металу / Перфорація листового металу, вирубка і формувальні

Виробник: TRUMPF

Модель:TRUMATIC 6000 L - 1300

Тип техніки: Перфорація листового металу, вирубка і формувальні

Номер позиції: 165677246

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2005

Місцезнаходження: Günzburg


Машина в наявності:Так


Punching capacity: 220 kN
laser capacity in Watt: 2000
travel -x axis: 2585 mm
travel -y axis: 1280 mm
plate thickness: 8 mm
Cutting capacity structural steel: 8 mm
Cutting capacity aluminum: 3 mm
Cutting capacity stainless steel: 4 mm
workpiece weight: max. 200 kg
weight of the machine ca.: 16.000 kg
Standard Equipment:
- Sturdy C-frame
- Coordinate guide with integrated linear magazine,
21 places for tools and clamping claws
- 2 x clamping claws
- Drives: Maintenance-free three-phase servomotors
- Programmable hold-down device for repositioning
- Sensor-monitored parts chutes 500 x 500 mm for punching and laser station,
Ejection cylinder on laser chute
- 2 x good parts box
- Laser unit: High-frequency excited CO2 laser TLF 2000,
vibration-insulated, integrated in machine frame,
incl. cooling unit and laser control DIAS 3
- HI-LAS high-pressure cutting
- Fast processing with SprintLas
- ContourLas for producing small holes
- Cutting gas pressure setting programmable
- Laser cutting head: 5 lens, quick-change device,
APC distance control
- Lens monitoring sensor system
- Additional cutting head with 7.5 lens
- Punching head: hydr. mono tool holder, 360° rotation for all tools,
automatic tool length compensation, tool spray lubrication,
2 x lubricant containers, punching slug extraction, chip bucket
- Sinumerik 840D control, TFT color screen 10.4, online help,
diagnostic function, 3.5 floppy disk drive, RJ45 network connection
- Safety: multi-beam light barriers, quick shutdown hydraulics,
extraction and compact dust protection device against stray B5346911 radiation
on the cutting head

- TLF 3200 laser incl. 9 cutting head for stainless steel
- AutoLas Plus
- MultiTool function
- MultiBend function
- Thread forming function
- Sealing/quick beading function
- Rolling technology function
- Softpunch function
- 1 x additional clamping claw
- Chip conveyor with tilting container
- Brush tables with loading and unloading aid
- Blow-out device for small parts
- BNC network connection instead of RJ45 connection

Operating hours:

Beam On: approx. 13549 h
Laser On: approx. 49949 h

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Punching capacity: 220 kN
laser capacity in Watt: 2000
travel -x axis: 2585 mm
travel -y axis: 1280 mm
plate thickness: 8 mm
Cutting capacity structural steel: 8 mm
Cutting capacity aluminum: 3 mm
Cutting capacity stainless steel: 4 mm
workpiece weight: max. 200 kg
weight of the machine ca.: 16.000 kg
Standard Equipment:
- Sturdy C-frame
- Coordinate guide with integrated linear magazine,
21 places for tools and clamping claws
- 2 x clamping claws
- Drives: Maintenance-free three-phase servomotors
- Programmable hold-down device for repositioning
- Sensor-monitored parts chutes 500 x 500 mm for punching and laser station,
Ejection cylinder on laser chute
- 2 x good parts box
- Laser unit: High-frequency excited CO2 laser TLF 2000,
vibration-insulated, integrated in machine frame,
incl. cooling unit and laser control DIAS 3
- HI-LAS high-pressure cutting
- Fast processing with SprintLas
- ContourLas for producing small holes
- Cutting gas pressure setting programmable
- Laser cutting head: 5 lens, quick-change device,
APC distance control
- Lens monitoring sensor system
- Additional cutting head with 7.5 lens
- Punching head: hydr. mono tool holder, 360° rotation for all tools,
automatic tool length compensation, tool spray lubrication,
2 x lubricant containers, punching slug extraction, chip bucket
- Sinumerik 840D control, TFT color screen 10.4, online help,
diagnostic function, 3.5 floppy disk drive, RJ45 network connection
- Safety: multi-beam light barriers, quick shutdown hydraulics,
extraction and compact dust protection device against stray B5346911 radiation
on the B5346911 cutting head

- TLF 3200 laser incl. 9 cutting head for stainless steel
- AutoLas Plus
- MultiTool function
- MultiBend function
- Thread forming function
- Sealing/quick beading function
- Rolling technology function
- Softpunch function
- 1 x additional clamping claw
- Chip conveyor with tilting container
- Brush tables with loading and unloading aid
- Blow-out device for small parts
- BNC network connection instead of RJ45 connection

Operating hours:

Beam On: approx. 13549 h
Laser On: approx. 49949 h

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1123-4051752
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Bästlein Gebrauchtmaschinenhandel GmbH

пан C. Schlächter
89312 Günzburg

RESALE член з 2015

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