Верстат для згинання листового металу - 4 ролика FACCIN 4HEL-2134

металообробні станки / обробка листового металу

Виробник: FACCIN


Тип техніки: Верстат для згинання листового металу - 4 ролика

Номер позиції: 166017384

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-at Австрія


Машина в наявності:Так


: neu
: ca. 12 Wochen ab Auftrags
: Italien
: 2000 mm
: 22 mm
: 22 mm
: 16 mm
: 19 mm
: 17 mm
Hardened and polished rollers
Numerical control Siemens PGS-Classic with touchscreen
Cone bending with electronic control and inclination of the bottom roller
oil cooler
Simultaneous rotation and roller movement
Simultaneous roller and support movement
Possibility to bend variable radii (ovals, ellipses, etc.)
Hydraulic micro-positioning by the PLC for higher accuracy
Infinitely variable speed for roller movement
Infinitely variable speed for rotation
Prepared for retrofitting supports (up to 5 axes)
Prepared for retrofitting loading/unloading stations
Prepared for retrofitting CNC controls
Extra large, double hinged drop end
Electronic parallelism system for the synchronization of the rollers
Hydraulic lifting of the top roll (for models with a top roll diameter of 205 mm or more)
Double linear guide for the movement of the lower rolls
Ultra wide rolls blocks
",MCS", bearing system for the lower rolls (4 large bearings on each H531606 shaft)
Central lubrication system
Pressure manometer for constant pinch roll control
Extra torque and special braking system
Safety cord with emergency stop
Equipped according to ",CE", regulations

CNC control Siemens PSG-Absolute with 15", touch screen
(automatic calculation of the process for simple
and complex shapes)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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: neu
: ca. 12 Wochen ab Auftrags
: Italien
: 2000 mm
: 22 mm
: 22 mm
: 16 mm
: 19 mm
: 17 mm
Hardened and polished rollers
Numerical control Siemens PGS-Classic with touchscreen
Cone bending with electronic control and inclination of the bottom roller
oil cooler
Simultaneous rotation and roller movement
Simultaneous roller and support movement
Possibility to bend variable radii (ovals, ellipses, etc.)
Hydraulic micro-positioning by the PLC for higher accuracy
Infinitely variable speed for roller movement
Infinitely variable speed for rotation
Prepared for retrofitting supports (up to 5 axes)
Prepared for retrofitting loading/unloading stations
Prepared for retrofitting CNC controls
Extra large, double hinged drop end
Electronic parallelism system for the synchronization of the rollers
Hydraulic lifting of the top roll (for models with a top roll diameter of 205 mm or more)
Double linear guide for the movement of the lower rolls
Ultra wide rolls blocks
",MCS", bearing system for the lower rolls (4 large bearings on each H531606 shaft)
Central H531606 lubrication system
Pressure manometer for constant pinch roll control
Extra torque and special braking system
Safety cord with emergency stop
Equipped according to ",CE", regulations

CNC control Siemens PSG-Absolute with 15", touch screen
(automatic calculation of the process for simple
and complex shapes)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1069-2261
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пан Michael Lechner
2355 Wiener Neudorf

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більше FACCIN 4HEL-2134 + similar FACCIN-Модель

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