Координатно-вимірювальна машина ШММ DEA Mistral 070705

металообробні станки / інші станки для обробки металів

Виробник: DEA

Модель:Mistral 070705

Тип техніки: Координатно-вимірювальна машина ШММ

Номер позиції: 165891629

Кількість: 1

Дата: 23.01.2025

Рік випуску: 2003

Місцезнаходження: Land-FI Фінляндія



This DEA Mistral 070705 was manufactured in 2003. A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) located in Finland, it features X-axis movement of 700 mm, Y-axis movement of 650 mm, and Z-axis movement of 450 mm. Equipped with a PH10M measuring probe and TP20 module, it operates on Windows XP Pro SP3. If you are G5149640 looking to get high-quality measuring capabilities consider the DEA Mistral 070705 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
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This DEA Mistral 070705 was manufactured in 2003. A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) located in Finland, it features X-axis movement of 700 mm, Y-axis movement of 650 mm, and Z-axis movement of 450 mm. Equipped with a PH10M measuring probe and TP20 module, it operates on Windows XP Pro SP3. If you are G5149640 looking to get high-quality measuring G5149640 capabilities consider the DEA Mistral 070705 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
seller offer No. resale FI-MEA-DEA-2003-00001
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пан Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE член з 2017

  • список машин (1087)


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більше DEA Mistral 070705 + similar DEA-Модель

1994 DEAMISTRAL-100705