Фасоннопродольние токарні автомати з ЧПУ CITIZEN D25-1M8

металообробні станки / токарні верстати / Фасоннопродольние токарні автомати з ЧПУ

Виробник: CITIZEN


Тип техніки: Фасоннопродольние токарні автомати з ЧПУ

Номер позиції: 164603823

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: 2022

Місцезнаходження: Deutschland


Машина в наявності:Так


bar material dia.: 25 mm
spindle passage: 30 mm
turning length: 250 mm
turning speeds: 10000 U/min
c-axis: 0,001 Grad
gripping station: 25 mm
turning length: 100 mm
turning speeds: 10000 U/min
c-axis: 0,001 0
number of tools: 59 fix
number of milling stations: 15 driven
control: Mitsubishi M850W
Number of axles: 10+2 St.
total power requirement: 5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 3450 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,55 x 1,5 x 1,85 + Irco m
bar loader: Breuning Irco Simag
fire distinguisher: Kraft & Bauer
high pressure pump: Knoll
CNC sliding headstock machine Citizen D25-1M8, built 2022 with barloader
Breuning Irco Simag
ON/OFF D5324947 7.776h
Running hours 5.331h

GBL function (standard)
LFV function: yes

There are two D25 machines available, free from September 2024. They have same

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bar material dia.: 25 mm
spindle passage: 30 mm
turning length: 250 mm
turning speeds: 10000 U/min
c-axis: 0,001 Grad
gripping station: 25 mm
turning length: 100 mm
turning speeds: 10000 U/min
c-axis: 0,001 0
number of tools: 59 fix
number of milling stations: 15 driven
control: Mitsubishi M850W
Number of axles: 10+2 St.
total power requirement: 5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 3450 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,55 x 1,5 x 1,85 + Irco m
bar loader: Breuning Irco Simag
fire distinguisher: Kraft & Bauer
high pressure pump: Knoll
CNC sliding headstock machine Citizen D25-1M8, built 2022 with barloader
Breuning Irco Simag
ON/OFF D5324947 7.776h
Running hours D5324947 5.331h

GBL function (standard)
LFV function: yes

There are two D25 machines available, free from September 2024. They have same

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1092-02974
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Detlef Jahn e. K.

пан Detlef Jahn
75331 Engelsbrand

RESALE член з 2017


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