Стрічкові пилки - горизонтальні BERG + SCHMID GBS 240 AutoCut

металообробні станки / пили

Виробник: BERG + SCHMID

Модель:GBS 240 AutoCut

Тип техніки: Стрічкові пилки - горизонтальні

Номер позиції: 156872059

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина 46342 Velen


Машина в наявності:Так


cutting diameter: 240 mm
dimensions of saw-band: 2730 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: 920 mm
cutting speed: 35 + 70 m/min
: 240 mm
stroke back stop: 230 mm
cross-slide: 270x230
: 210
Impact energy: 200
Air consume per blow: 200x210
: 130 mm
: 130 mm
: 130x160 mm
total power requirement: 1,2 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,26 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 0,9 x 1,6 x 1,74 m
WMT promotional price ! 2899, -EUR
• miter left 60 °
• Quick-action vice with quick-release device a.
• Quick release lever for easy handling
• Frame and gearbox in one piece, very quiet cut and very low vibration
• Electrical monitoring of belt tension and belt break, saw blade cover.
• saw blade guide made of carbide
• Large machine bed
• Machine base (disassembled) with automatic cooling
The AutoCut system consists of:
Hydraulic cylinder, feed control, spring assembly, limit switch
Automatic saw frame lowering over the hydraulic
Cylinder, infinitely adjustable feed, with limit switch
at the end of the W5329549 cut. Overdrive lowering of the saw frame
from the rest position to the workpiece, then switch over
to normal saw feed (e.g., for scribing).
Manual operation: The hydraulic cylinder works as a brake cylinder
(for example, for notching). Through the brake cylinder can
The saw should be positioned in every position during the return stroke.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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cutting diameter: 240 mm
dimensions of saw-band: 2730 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: 920 mm
cutting speed: 35 + 70 m/min
: 240 mm
stroke back stop: 230 mm
cross-slide: 270x230
: 210
Impact energy: 200
Air consume per blow: 200x210
: 130 mm
: 130 mm
: 130x160 mm
total power requirement: 1,2 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,26 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 0,9 x 1,6 x 1,74 m
WMT promotional price ! 2899, -EUR
• miter left 60 °
• Quick-action vice with quick-release device a.
• Quick release lever for easy handling
• Frame and gearbox in one piece, very quiet cut and very low vibration
• Electrical monitoring of belt tension and belt break, saw blade cover.
• saw blade guide made of carbide
• Large machine bed
• Machine base (disassembled) with automatic cooling
The AutoCut system consists of:
Hydraulic cylinder, feed control, spring assembly, limit switch
Automatic saw frame lowering over the hydraulic
Cylinder, infinitely adjustable feed, with limit switch
at the end of the W5329549 cut. Overdrive lowering W5329549 of the saw frame
from the rest position to the workpiece, then switch over
to normal saw feed (e.g., for scribing).
Manual operation: The hydraulic cylinder works as a brake cylinder
(for example, for notching). Through the brake cylinder can
The saw should be positioned in every position during the return stroke.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-66204
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

пан Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

RESALE член з 2010

  • список машин (812)


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