Номер позиції: 158167268 видалено з бази даних!

1 подібні машини:

Машина: KOHMANN F 1010/2
Рік випуску: 1986
бувша у використанні
Продавець: Land-de GA-Maschinen GmbH
Місцезнаходження:: alsfeld

Window patching Kohmann F 1010/2 Year 1988 machine as it is – will be cleaned – with Kohmann suction belt feeder – with adjustable chain station squaring section – with suction table – max format 1000 x 700mm – minimum format 100 x 80mm – Variable cut off length of foil by means of the change gears – with stereo cylinder and glue-impression roller – The glue stereo can be made ready outside the machine. The stereos are glued onto a carrier film which then can be easily mounted onto the stereo cylinder in the machine. In this way the stereo can be stored for reuse on repeat jobs. – with delivery station – Electrical equipment for 380 V, 50 cycles AC – with electrical p ...

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