Машина для згинання труб AK-BEND APK 50

металообробні станки / обробка листового металу

Виробник: AK-BEND

Модель:APK 50

Тип техніки: Машина для згинання труб

Номер позиції: 156326547

Кількість: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Рік випуску: нова машина

Місцезнаходження: Land-de Німеччина Günzburg


Машина в наявності:Так


round material: 40 mm
tube diameter: 70x2 mm
square material: 80x30x3 mm
L-beam: 50 x 5 mm
I - beam section - flat steel: 80 x 16 mm
I-beam section - upend: 50 x 15 mm
roll diameter: 157 mm
Shaft diameter: 50 mm
bending speed: 2,95 m/min
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1000x950x1450 mm
Domestic equipments:
- Special steel shafts (42CrMo4) hardened and ground
- a set of standard rollers
- lower rollers up and down hydraulically deliverable
- digital display for lower rollers
- separate control panel
- in one direction manually adjustable B5346911 lateral straightening rollers
- manual lubrication
- horizontal and vertical operation
- CE mark / Declaration of Conformity
- Operating instructions in German

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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round material: 40 mm
tube diameter: 70x2 mm
square material: 80x30x3 mm
L-beam: 50 x 5 mm
I - beam section - flat steel: 80 x 16 mm
I-beam section - upend: 50 x 15 mm
roll diameter: 157 mm
Shaft diameter: 50 mm
bending speed: 2,95 m/min
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1000x950x1450 mm
Domestic equipments:
- Special steel shafts (42CrMo4) hardened and ground
- a set of standard rollers
- lower rollers up and down hydraulically deliverable
- digital display for lower rollers
- separate control panel
- in one direction manually adjustable B5346911 lateral straightening B5346911 rollers
- manual lubrication
- horizontal and vertical operation
- CE mark / Declaration of Conformity
- Operating instructions in German

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1123-9010071
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Bästlein Gebrauchtmaschinenhandel GmbH

пан C. Schlächter
89312 Günzburg

RESALE член з 2015

  • список машин (394)


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